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After a long night of walking, riding, gettin little to no sleep, we arrived in Juarez the next day around noon. We trotted through the gates into the old village I knew as a kid, and I was suprised. The people or women outside doing laundry, cooking, everyone stopped what they were doing when they saw Billy. I smiled over at him as everyone cheered and formed a crowd around us. 

We stopped in front of a bar and all got off, tying our horse off. As I got down , a small burnt orange clay house just by the gates in the corner caught my attention and I froze. I finally put my other foot down on the ground , then threw my reins around my horn and whistled.

My horse followed Chavez's and he tied him off for me.

I did'nt know what to do, but I kept walking to the door. Once I stopped, i stared ahead of me and pulled down my bandana, taking my hat off and wiping my face as the wind blew strands in front of me. After a few seconds, I grew some, put my hand to the door and knocked.

The door opened and a old woman stared up at me like I hoped.

After she stared at me for a minute, her hands raised to her mouth like she was gunna cry.

"Oh mi carinos!! Gracias Dias mi bebe", she bawled as I pulled her to me and wrapped my arms around her.(Oh my god, sweetheart! Thank you God, my baby!)

"Ha sida demasiado largo, lo siento mucho", I whispered back and smiled.(It's been so long, I'm so sorry.)

This woman, took care of me from the time I was 5, till I was 13, when I left here. My last home before I was running around constantly.

I opened my eyes and my heart nearly stopped. She stepped aside and standing behind her was Alma, her had been my best friend since I was 5 and she was 3.

She stared at me, then we both burst into tears and ran at each other. Then a minute later, we stepped back and I wiped my face.

"Ella, I have many great things to tell you-", she nodded then turned over her shoulder."Luciana, ven naca! Come here!"

Pretty soon, an adorable little girl with big brown eyes and curly hair pulled back the curtain to a room and smiled at us then ran to Alma.

"Meet your niece, Luciana", she smiled.

"Hey", she barely whispered up at me while waving.

"Hi", I smiled back back as I knelt down to her."Luciana, that's beautiful! You can call me Ella if you want."

"Ok", she giggled then reached forward and threw her arms around me.

Ella (YG)Where stories live. Discover now