Training II

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Sakura grimaced as she fell into a kneeling position on the ground. So far she hadn't done any new training, but she had learned how to make the sword a part of her daily life. There was nowhere she was allowed to go without her training sword. Everything she did was about her sword her days were just sent more and more into the training. She was actually looking forward to the tournament, if for no other reason than her training regime wouldn't be as intense as it was now. She looked herself over a bit and grimaced slightly. Her dress was long gone having been replaced with her warm weather gear. It was hardly unique when it felt like you were copying other people's style, but she couldn't deny that it had its up points in that she didn't have to worry about falling over herself if the dress tangled itself with her legs anymore.

"Not bad Haruno." Yūgao said as she looked the young ninja over with a critical eye. "You have learned to capitalize on your speed quiet well. While you still have a ways to go before you are at Guy or any of his students level you are still quiet fast and may surprise them all."

Sakura nodded her head at that. The constant laps had helped with that racing against Haku had also forced her to learn how to go even faster and faster. She wasn't positive, but she was starting to think that the Ice user might actually be getting faster than when Peter and Naruto had fought him at the Bridge. It seemed Haku had decided that he was going to try and bring himself up to Lee's level or beyond. She figured after this was all over she would help Haku train his speed up as a thank you for all that he had done for her this last month.

"While your skill with the blade will give you some advantages against an opponent that will fight you from a distance it has both its strengths a weaknesses. You will have to be prepared in your match against one such as Tenten. You will need more than just some blade skill. Tenten has spent the past year and a half studying all types of weapons, according to her file she is a markswoman of surprising skills particularly when you consider the sheer number of weapons she is qualified on. Even if you do manage to get in close with her, you will have to deal at the very least with the bo staff and whatever other close range weapons that she may be trained in. It is likely that she has some training in the use of the Nunchaku as well, seeing as they are one of Might Guy's favored weapons. It is likely that she may even have some skill in using the three section staff. Fortunately for you, she is not a Ninjutsu type as she doesn't have the chakra reserves to use elemental attacks yet. That doesn't mean she doesn't use chakra. She merely uses ninja tools alongside of her chakra to make a combination attack in some ways she could be much deadlier. She is extremely proficient in the use of sealing scrolls as well.

"So how do I counter that?" Sakura questioned worriedly. Some fancy taijutsu wasn't going to stop any blades.

"Now that you have some beginning sword skills, we add in some attacks that will help you in a fight. To start with we shall begin with the Palm Thrust. When attacking with your sword, use the palm of your hand to increase the force of the thrust. Speed and force of the attack will increase dramatically, even if the opponents blocks the blow, the resultant force will still knock them away." She lectured her student. She then displayed the proper way to hold the sword. She then ran through the attack just as she had described it against the training dummy. The target stood there for a moment before the bindings suddenly ripped apart and the straw spilled out. "When enhanced by chakra, this attack can do impressive levels of damage to your opponent." Yūgao explained to the girl. "Now, I want you to try it."

Sakura nodded as she took up the position and launched her own attack against one of the other dummies. At the last minute her blade moved off course and when she struck the sword pushed back hitting her in the gut. The girl fell to the ground as she tried to catch her breath.

"Good, as soon as you can I want you to do it again until you can get it right." Yūgao ordered ."After you can do that I want you to do it with chakra so that your speed is even faster."

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