Spider vs Spider & Fan Blows Flower Away

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It was evening and Peter grimaced as he was webswinging through the town. It was becoming something of a habit that he was forming from his old memories of when he had been Spider-Man. During these patrols allowed him time to think and it also gave him some since of purpose. He had asked Lady Hokage why there didn't appear to be any real internal security inside of Kooha other than the ANBU. With a village as large as Konoha one would think that it would be better protected. It turned out that it was something to do with the bylaws of the village. When creating the village, the Uchiha Clan Leader had made it so that their clan was in charge of the police force and the appointing of any members that wished to become a part of said force. What all of this boiled down to though was that there couldn't be any new police force until after Sasuke came of age and took control over the family. Something that said Uchiha had sworn not to do until after he had dealt with the person that had destroyed his family. Until the time that happened, the best that they could do was to have ninja respond to certain situations. It was but one of the many things that allowed for the Civilians to have worked their ways into the inner workings of a Ninja Village. Had the Uchiha Clan been wiped out, then the Hokage could have appointed new members to a new police force. As it stood though, the village ninja were limited on the matter of internal security unless Itachi Uchiha was pardoned and took up his place as the new Chief of Police or waiting on Sasuke to take command of his family's legacy to the village.Peter sighed as he flipped through the air with a casual ease. He wished he knew when and how it was that he had gotten natural web shooters. What had happened to him that had caused his body to create web spinnerets on his wrists? Was it someone that had decided to play mad scientist on him, a natural evolution of his powers, a side effect of whatever brought him to this world, or was it something that someone had done as a favor? He really wished that he knew just what it was that had happened to change him in such a way. It would also be nice to know if those were the only changes or if there were others. He had begun to suspect that some of his other skills were higher than they had been when he had been dropped in this world. Although how much that was his body natural growth with the abilities and how much it might be something else was also a mystery.

Then there was the fact he was in another world entirely. Based off of his memories from his world it was like a strange mixture of Ancient Japan and the 60's or 80's technology and society wise at least. Add in the things like chakra and it was hard to know just where it was the worlds stood. He was shaken out of his contemplation as he saw a figure get thrown from a building and slammed into the ground. He fired a webline and pulled himself in the direction of the fighters. While they hadn't resorted to chakra yet, the high level taijutsu wasn't too far from that point either. The amount of chakra a person had to use to get those kinds of results was beyond what most academy students could manage.

He landed on the ground next to the fallen figure of Saskue Uchiha of all people. "What is it with you being unable to stay out of fights? Its not like you're a boy named Sue." Peter mumbled to himself. The boy was alive, but the blows he had just taken had obviously thrown him for more of a loop than he had expected. He was shaking in shock and pain from the hits that he had received from whoever it was that had done this to him. He looked to the group that had just been using the Uchiha as a punching bag. There was four of them, three guys and a girl all looking like they were in the mid to late teens hiding halfway in the shadows. They were all dressed in the somewhat familiar uniform of Oto Shinobi. A gray top, purple pants, black sandals and a large rope tied in the back as a belt. "Four on one hardly look like fair odds to me." He noted as he glared at the intruders. "I mean personally I would love to beat the crap out of him, but he is a member of the Leaf village which means I can't let you do this without interfering. No matter how much he probably deserves it."

The Sound Four looked at the unexpected new arrival that had involved themself in their fight. "Well, well, if it isn't the Aburame Ward." A white haired boy with makeup on noted in a soft silky voice. "This is fortunate, we were told to give you a similar invitation as the one we just gave to Sasuke here."

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