Chapter 1

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it's been 9 months, 273 days, 6574 hours.

Opening my eyes, I peeked through my eyelids to see that it was way later than i thought. 1:00pm. Quickly, i threw my legs off the side of my bed to meet the cool tiled floor with my naked feet. I never had the energy to do anything anymore, just spending my free time drinking and renting out shitty dvds from the shop a few streets down from my apartment.

I walked into the kitchen, dragging my feet like i was in the last few metres of a marathon. Effort. As i sat down at the table, i knew that i had to get out, do something to keep my mind busy instead of overthinking about things. Getting up, i slid my plate into the sink, not bothering to clean it, and walked into my room just to throw on some old clothes. I decided that my black skinny jeans, a vintage tee and my black docs would do afterall, I was only getting a cofee. -It's hard not to where anything but black anymore- I thought to myslef.

Wandering to the front door, i noticed the pile upon pile of my vinyls that i hadnt even touched for god knows how long. There was no joy in listening to music when i had no one to share it with anymore. Glancing at the heap of musical features i saw a name. One that hurt when i saw it. Arctic Monkeys.

I moved out of the front door inhailing the afternoons scent. How could i hate living here, in LA. My pace got faster as i walked aroung the corner passing the palm tress nearly approaching my destination. Finally. The smell of coffee and tea filled my nostrills making me feel at home. i loved it here. Alway quiet. Smiling, i pushed the glass door forward and made my entrance.

"Urmmm one coffee please?" i asked the lady behined the bar whilst grabbing my purse from my leather satchel.

"of course, one second hun" The lady pollitley responded in a californian accent.

Clutching the coffee cup in one hand i turned to move away but before i could make my way to sit down someone walked into me with force that made me spill my coffee.

"Oh urh sorry love, wasn't lookin' where i was goin'" A familiar voice rang obviously recognising me instantley.

Sparks ran down my back as i looked up into the gorgeouss, deep, brown eyes. "A-A-Alex..?" my voice was no more than a quiet sqeak. I didn't know what to do. -You should go before he says something- my mind was shouting at me. Before i knew what i was doing i was running. Running out onto the streets, my breath coming out in quick and constant sharp gasps.

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