Chapter 26

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Finally, I hear you say, she has updated! Omg sorry, I haven't updated in like 834723 years, I've just been busy. But now I'm on break so I can update etc. I have a few new ideas for an upcoming fanfiction (yes, to do with Alex Turner...) and it will be based on early suck it and see era Alex which is by far my fave era and possibly favourite album.

Anyway, enjoy this short chapter, sorry it's not at its best but oh well. Comment and vote if you're enjoying it:))



Elle’s P.O.V

“Oh my word, Alice! They’re gorgeous!” I screamed in awe at the tiny little kittens which were looking up at me in curiosity as I walked into the room. A few weeks ago, I’d been discharged from hospital and was making a great improvement in recovery. Alex had been on tour for a few days so I’d left to visit my friend Alice as she thought it would be good for me to come out for once. Al should be back when I get home.

Knocking me out of my day dream, one of the kittens pounced on me making me fall backwards in a pile of laughter. When I looked up, I noticed two viridescent eyes staring up into mine. “Hey, come here cutey.” I smiled as I sat up, outstretching my hand for her to come closer. The little kitten stepped closer almost as if she was shy.

“Have her if you like; I know how lonely you get when Al goes away on tour.” Alice came back into the room after answering a phone call.

“I can’t, I don’t have the time to look after her…I-“

“-What are you talking about? I know how much time you have now Elle. That’s exactly what you have – time.”

“Okay, I know but what would Al say? I don’t think he’s a cat person…” I sighed. I knew she was right; I just didn’t want to admit it. Lately, I’d been feeling worthless. It was like even Alex didn’t have time for me. Maybe that was just how I was thinking because he’d been away on tour. “Fine, how much do you want for her?”

“Nothing, I can tell she’s going to a good home and plus, Elle, you’re a great person and a great friend so how could I charge you?”

After a while, I was on my way home from Alice’s. Quickly, I glanced over to the cardboard box that the gorgeous little kitten was being kept in. Laughing, I saw that she’d pocked her head from the top of the box and was now hanging on to the side of it, watching me intently. Her head was at a slight angle as if she was trying to work out what I was.

“You’re a curious little thing aren’t you, eh?” I chuckled and returned my gaze back to the road.

After a short drive, I turned into the street which I lived to see Al’s motorbike was parked at the front of my house. A few weeks ago, we decided to move back in together and see how things went.

Stepping out my small car, I walked around the other side to the passenger seat and gently took out the box from which the kitten was in. Kicking the car door shut with my foot, I locked the car and walked to the front door. As soon as I came in, Al walked around from the sitting room and smiled.

“There she is.” He laughed as he started walking closer to me. The house smelled like the stuff he used in the shower as he’d just had one. He was wearing sweatpants, which I assure you were only worn behind closed doors, and a tight fitting white t-shirt which I wasn’t complaining about…

“Aloha.” I replied before shutting the door. “Um, okay, I didn’t think this was gonna happen but um…” I felt nervous as to what Al was going to say. Would he be angry?

“What is it Le?”  He asked, starting to look a bit worried.

“Um…well, I, okay. Don’t hate me.”

“How could I ever hate you le? You’re perfect.” He smiled. Just then his face fell and he looked concerned. “Wait you’re not…like pregnant are you?” He asked, his face stricken with worry. I couldn’t help but burst out into laughter. Why would he think that?

“No. Oh my fuck Al. Why would you think that?” I managed to get out in-between my laughs. I looked up through my long eyelashes to see his eyebrow was raised and he looked slightly embarrassed.

“Okay, so what is-“ Before he could finish what he was saying, a small ‘meow’ sounded from the box which was, at the moment, being carried in my arms.

“What was that?” He asked deeply.

“I got a cat. Look before you say anything, I didn’t know I was actually going to get one…”

“A cat?” He questioned, one eyebrow raised.

“Um yes.” As I walked past him down the hall, I heard him chuckle and mumble something to himself before he followed me into the sitting room. Placing the box down gently, I opened the top and reached in for the kitten. She meowed and purred once I’d placed her down on the floor. Smiling, I turned around to look at Al. His eyebrow was once again raised.

“What? Why don’t you come say hello?” I asked, looking back to her.

“Alright.” He walked over to me and sat down on the floor. “She’s a girl right?”

“Uhuh.” I mumbled as I watched him pick her up and place her in his lap. I needed to keep this memory forever so before he could do anything, I reached for my Polaroid and took a snapshot of him and her.

“Any names yet?” He seemed distracted by her sweetness.

“I don’t know…I thought maybe like Venice or something? You know? Like a name after something so beautiful?”

“You’re a weird one you are.” He laughed under his breath before looking at me. Then, he kissed me on the cheek lightly.

“Wow, maybe it was a good idea getting her. You’re soooo much nicer.” Winking cheekily at him, he stuck his tongue out at me before saying something.

“Yeh, I agree. Venice.”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2014 ⏰

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