Chapter 9

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Opening my eyes, the light hit me which was somewhat blinding at first. It took me a while to get used to it before I could sit up properly. Looking around I remembered once again falling asleep in Al's arms. He was still fast asleep looking like heaven with his hair flopped over his face. Slowly, I got up trying not to wake Al. Matt, Jamie, Nick and Miles were asleep on the other sofas obviously not going home last night because they were probably hungover.

I walked into the dark halway, deciding to have a shower. Thank god I brought a pair of shorts with me in my bag. Jogging up the stairs, I wondered into Alex's room and nicked one of his shirts from the pile. I'm sure he won't mind, he said I looked good in his clothes...When I looked up, I noticed a photo, took not so long ago, now stuck on his polaroid wall. Looking closer, I noticed that it was took a few days before I went to England. We were sat on the top of the cliff at the beach, our legs dangling off the side. My head was resting against his shoulder and his hands were wrapped around my waist lovingly. That day, We had gone down to Albane cove with the rest of the guys. They must have took it without me noticing. Still, It was a nice photo because Unprepared photos were the best.

Stepping into the shower, I heard noise coming from downstairs. The boys were up then. After a short while in the shower, I quickly stepped out making the cold air create goose bumps on my arms and legs. I pulled my high waisted denim shorts on and tied the belt. Grabbing the shirt, I pulled it over my head and walked up towards the mirror. Urgh. My hair was a natural mess from the shower so I plaited it and let it fall on the side of my shoulder. Not bothering with make-up, I sauntered out of the bathroom and followed the noise that sounded like it was coming out of the basement which was where Al's studio was. I pushed open the door and acoustic guitar and drums enclosed me in a beautiful way. It sounded great. Sitting down next to Al playing the guitar, I closed my eyes and rested my head on his shoulder listening to the music. Just then the doorbell rand and Matt got up from the drums to go and get the door. Alex's eyes didn't leave the guitar and he carried on playing. I looked round the room to see Miles, Nick and Jamie were playing table soccer in the corner. Wasn't it too early for them to do that? I looked at my phone screen. It was infact 12, already.

Just then, Matt entered the room again, but not alone. Following his footsteps was a women. Her face plastered with a smile. Her hair was dark brown and fell just bellow her shoulders. She had piercing grey eyes and was very tall. Not having any idea who this women was or what she was doing here, I rested my head back onto Al's shoulder. He looked up at me and smiled. Kissing his cheek, I was about to close my eyes again before saw the womens smile drop instantley when she saw me with him. Jealousy? I didn't know. She then mumbled something against her breath but I caught it.

"Urgh, why's she back with him again" Shoting her a glare, I looked at Alex. He had no interest in this women, Just me. Whilst he was playing, He was looking at me, singing to me with his deep husky voice that sent shivers down my spine. I could listen to him every day. I did. Realising I was hungry, I got up and stepped out into the corridor and walked into the kitchen. I could hear footsteps behind me but I thought that it was Miles. "Want a coffee Miles?" Asking the following footsteps, I turned around to see that it wasn't Miles or any of the guys. It was the women. Raising my eyebrow, I smiled and offered again. "Would you like a coffee?" She didn't reply. Just looked at me with disgust. Sighing, I turned back around and grabbed a cup for myself. Suddenly, a voice inturupted my confussed thourghts.

"Look, Elle-May or whoever you are. Alex has moved on and I doubt he is gonna want someone like you back again so if I was you, Elle, I would just back off." This angered me. Who the fuck was she telling me this. Spinning around on my feet, I turned to look at her. Who was she?

"Sorry, but I don't know who you are? Have I met you before..?"

She scoffed turning to wak away. Just then her piercing voice rang around the room. "Shay"

I had no idea who she was, still. I just ignored her rudeness and grabbed my cup and walked back down into the studio. I saw her sitting by Alex, trying to get his interest. Well, all I can say, It wasn't working. He looked disinterested so he got up and walked over to me. Taking a sip from the strong coffee he took the cup away from me, resting it on the table, and replaced where the cup had been on my lips with his lips. For all we know the line "Lips were like the galaxies edge" could have been about him...only kidding. "Get a room guys" Nick shouted at us, laughing. Pulling away, Al could see something was wrong and took my hand. We walked upstairs into the hallway and sat down in the living room. "Hey, El, Whats up eh?" His hand stroked my hair soothingly and his other was still holding mine. "Who is she? Uhh shay I think?" My worried tone made Al laugh. I was confussed.

"Shay? That's what she's called? Oh I think Nick or Matt met her one evening and she keeps visiting us now like she's our friend or something. Dunno why they keep talking to her. Reckon she likes me. " Then he added teasing me "What's not to like eh?" Winking, he got up and stricked a pose, hand on hip. Laughing I got up and put my hands around his neck and whispered in his ear. "Nothing..." My hands ran through his perfect hair, now not so perfect. He was so...I don't know...Alex? Knocking me out of my daydream his face started getting closer to mine, his lips still too far away to kiss. The wait was torcher but before I could feel his soft lips against mine, 'someone' inturupted.

"Bye Al, See you soon" Shay cooed at him before turning on her heels and closing the front door behind her. She hardly knew him, yet she still calls him Al? Alex's face crumpled with cringe which made me laugh. Just then he looked at the shirt I was wearing. "Hmmm, Interesting choice of shirt Le. Looks good" He winkined at me before proding my ribs making me collapse in laughter. Still, I was ticklish. But I was not letting him get away with it this time. Getting up, whilst being attacked by tickles, I jumped onto him making him fall to the ground, me on top of him. I grabbed his smooth arms and wrapped them around me, not letting go. He stopped trying to tikle me. Slowly, he sat up and I noticed that I was straddled on his lap. Classy Elle you little shit. When he had sat up completley, our heads were leant against each other, mine slighlty higher. I could feel his breath against my lips which made me need him even more. Finally, our kiss began but this time with more passion. His lips clashed with mine and his hands brushed through my hair and laid upon my neck. Everyday could be like this with him. Always.

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