Chapter 3

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Grey or black? I couldn't decide what coloured dress to wear. Why was I trying so hard in what I was going to wear anyway. Finally, I decided on a grey, plain dress that fell just above my knee. Pulling the clips out of my hair, I let it fall past my shoulders in small blonde waves. Quickly, I applied some red lipstick just to finnish the outfit off as i didn't want to look like it tried too hard.

I went into the living room and selected a vinyl that I could play if things got awkward. Just as I was about to place it on my record player the door rang. Shit. Why was I so nervous? It was only Al.

Slowly, I walked to the door where I could see the faint line of a brown haired man in a leather jacket on the other side of the door. The butterflies danced in my tummy because not untill this morning I hadn't seen him for 9 months after an 8 year relationship.

Uncovering Alex from the other side of the worn out door, I heard him speak in a deep husky voice, still ever so fucking heavenly if i say so myself.

"Urh hey Le, how are you?" Al asked me not so confidently.

"Yeh, I'm alright, you?" I hated our conversations to be this awkward. We used to be able to talk about anything and everything together.

"I am alright suppose. You gonna let me in?" he chuckled. I hadnt realised that I was standing in the way so that he couldnt go in my house. Blushing, I let him through into my darkened house.

For a while, we talked about what we were doing, how our lives were going and what we were planning to do in the future. Of course, me being a photographer wasn't as interesting as Al being in a band that was worldwide famous, but he still listened onto everything I said with the strangest curiousity. After what felt like a short while, Alex got up from the sofa we were sat on.

"Bathroom?" Al asked.

"Oh yeh, just down the hallway." I half chuckled.

Getting up I picked up the guitar from the wall stand and started to play on it whilst I waited for Al to come back. Quickly, I started to play whatever song came into my head first. Suck It And See. Well shit. I carried on playing it anyway, I doubted Al could hear it from the bathroom.

"Here, let me show you" Al's voice came from the doorway making me jump which made him laugh.

"Wait, how long have you been stood there?" I questioned.

"Long enough" Al replied giving me a cheeky wink. If I hadn't melted enough already Alex came and sat close next to me and put his arms around mine so he could show me how to do a chord properly. I was literally sat on his lap and my mind was going crazy. Inhailing, I could smell cigarettes on his breath and his sweet cologne. Memories flooded into my brain.

"Elleeee?" His husky voice entered my brain again. Jumping out of my daydream, I looked up to Alex and realised our faces were centimetres apart. I couldn't still get over how attractive he was. His jawline was perfect and you could probably cut yourself if you were to slap your hand across his cheekbones. His eyes were as dark as the nightsky but a soft brown. And his hair...urgh it hadn't even been styled into a quiff today, it just fell over his face making him look even more attractive. Snapping out of my daydream, I could only reply with a small voice.

"hmm?" Was all I could say.

"I said that you should play the chord like this" he said going over the guitar again producing a sweet sounding sound but all i could watch was his face. It was like I was falling in love with him all over again.

Smilling, I replied. "Okay Al" A little to energetically but he didn't seem to notice as he had found something that caught his interest. Following his gaze, I saw that he was looking at a medium sized box in the corner of the sitting room next to the double glass doors that lead to the quiet beach. Before I could tell him not to look into the box he was on his feet and had grabbed it with his hands. The sofa moved as he sat down close to me. As he opened the box, I noticed the regognation on his face.

"You kept them?" Al looked up to me with his puppy eyes obviously refering to the poloriod photographs that were kept in that box. I had most of them stuck on my bedroom wall by my bed but couldn't bare to have the ones of me and him up there. It hurt too much.

"Yes, how could I throw them away? I love them to much." I laughed as he picked out a picture of me and him. He had his arm around me and was looking at me intently as i looked at the camera. That was in August, a few months before our split. My birthday. "I always loved that photo" I whispered softly.

"oh me too" Alex winked at me again. How could this be happening?

Suddenly, I remembered that I still had my poloroid somewhere. Getting up, I walked into my bedroom not realising Al had followed me. Quickly, I opened my wadrobe and looked into the draw kept for my cameras. I was a photographer but I was slightly obsessed with buying them.

As I turnerd around, I saw Al looking at my photo wall. His fingers traced the pattern that they made on the wall. He smiled.

"What?" I asked wondering what made him smile. Walking over, I saw that he had his eye on a picture of me at Christmas with my family. "why you smiling at that Al?"

"Eh? Oh just you lookin' beautiful" Alex looked at me. What he said caught me off guard and i didn't know what to do. Blushing, I looked towards the ground and smiled.

For the rest of the evening we sat on my bed and I explained every picture on my wall. I didn't know why he was so interested in me still but he hung on to every word I said which was what I always loved about him. He listened to everything I said with so much interest.

After what was a long time, Alex stood up. "Le I think it's time for me to go, but thanks for letting me come was good." He chuckled.

Standing up, I couldn't help feeling a little sad that Al was leaving. Before I could stop myself I said it. "We should do that again sometime yeah?"

"Ohh yeh we should" he winked.

Suddenly remembering, I got up and walked over to the opened door of the creaky wadrobe. Swiftly, I pulled out one of my favourite cameras and placed it in his hands. He looked confussed.

"Oh aha it's for you. You can start your collection of photos" I spoke, smilling at him.

"Better start early then eh?" Quickly he put the camera up to his sparkling eyes and took a snap of me.

"Heyyy! Okay I will let you off that time." Hitting him playfully, I winked at him.

Just then he came closer to me and kissed my cheek lingering at the end. He stayed close to me for a few seconds before I rested my forhead on his. I heard him sigh.

"I should go Elle.."

Showing him the door, he left smilling at me before he went. I closed the door and fell back up against it. A smile played on the tips of my lips and felt like it would never go.

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