Chapter 19

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Alex's P.O.V

Peeking out of my eyes, the light coming from the window sent my head into a fucking oblivion. I struggled up and rested myself on my elbows. My head pulsed pain through every vain in my body. I held my fingers against my temple making me feel worse than I already felt.

Looking besides me, lay Le. Yesterday, it was her birthday and I think we can all say that even she drank what was thought too much. She lay beautifully. Her blonde waves were spread over her smooth bare back. Before long, I realised that I was going to have to get up and do something about this mind fuck of a headache.

Swinging my legs over the edge of the bed, I pushed myself up. Stumbling, I gripped my head trying to remember how to walk. Pulling on some clothes, I started to go downstairs. When I reached the bottom of the staircase, silence surrounded me. Slowly, I shuffled into the lounge only to discover four passed out lazy bodies. Matt, Nick, Jamie and Miles. Well. They couldn't last very long when alcohol was the main souce of drink.

Once I had made two coffees and grabbed a pack of paracetamol, I went back up stais and got back into bed with Le. I reached over her and put her coffee on her bed side table with a single paracetamol next to it. Drinking the coffee, I chucked the pain killer in my mouth and swallowed it. Ugh. Then, I relaxed back into the bed only to realise two of the worlds most beautiful eyes were now concious and the blue sea eyes were upon mine.

"Fuck" She mumbled. "What did we get up to last night huh?" She laughed as she tried to sit up, only to slump back into the sheets again. She cursed and moaned about her head. 

"Arghh feels like I've been hit multiple times and had my head slammed into a brickwallll" She muttered again into her pillow.

 After a while, she sat up and drank the coffee and took something for her head. Reaching out, I pulled her into me and she rested her head on my shoulder. She shivered at my touch as I must have been cooler from her radiating heat. I laughed.

"Reminds me of a while back, being like this. When I was about 18 or somethin'. Can't even remember now" Le's sweet voice rang through the room.

"Yeh, it does. Haha, I remember the first time I saw you like when you were 16. You didn't see me though Le. It was at domino records again."

"Oh tell me again..?"


Sitting, waiting. Not the best parts of this music career so far. I was waiting for the guys to turn up for band practise before recording our new cd. Whatever people say I am, that's what I'm not. I couldn't believe that this was happening. Our big fuckin' break was going to happen. Just then, a voice inturpted my thoughts and I looked up to see what was going on.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry..Look let me help you with this." The girl said to a man around 50 years of age. She had accidently walked into him. As she bent down, I noticed her properly. Her hair was shoulder length and blonde. Her hands were small and looked extremely delicate. And her lips. They looked like the galaxies edge themselves. She was gorgeous. When she had picked the books up for the man, she gave them to him. Suddenly, he snatched them off her rudely which staright away infuriated her. She didn't let him grab them properly. She held onto them tightly.

"Oh wait. You know what? Pick up your own shit your fucking self" She spat at him before throwing the books all over the wooden floors again. He looked shocked at what she had just said, mumbled under his breath and watched her walk away into the music rooms. I couldn't help but laugh which earned a death stare from the old guy. She was beautiful and she woudln't take shit from anyone. I loved her already and I didn't even know her name.

I remember following the sweet sound of music from the room that she went to and walked in without her noticing. After we talked, introduced and she grabbed my hand telling her my name before I was about to leave, her dad walked in furiously.

"Elle-May Harris! What in the gods name do you think you're doing acting rudely against our employers?!" Anger spat off his tone and I watched her face turn into laughter.

"Oh my god, Dad! It's no big deal I-"

"No big deal? Come here right now. We are leaving." Her dad shouted before walking out.

Elle turned to me apologetically. "Sorry, Alex Turner." Then she left.

Fuck. Now I was probably never going to see her again.

Three days after I fell for Elle, I had to see her again. Everyday I had been in Domino Records to find down this beautiful girl. When I came in on Wednesday, I heard what sounded like her Dad saying something to someone in his office.

"Stay here, don't think of leaving" Then he walked out and strolled down to another office.

Curiousity overcame me and I went to peek into the office he had just left. There, with her back to me, was Elle. "Forgotten me already love?" I said cheekly before she turned around and I gave her a cheeky wink. She giggled.

"Oooh Hey Alex" She smilled when she said my name, like she was pleased to see me. "Sorry, Uh my dad is kinda keeping me hostage" She said jokingly before adding "I was banned from the recording rooms for like a month." Then she winked back. I think I just died.

just then it occured to me. "We should get coffee"

"Oh but you could be like a mass murderer and I could be your next victim." She playfully added after me. Was she flirting with me? Two can play this game...

"Oh Le, always the possible sollution.." Just then I rushed up to her and picked her up over my shoulder. She started to squel and kick her legs about whilst laughing. Holy fuck. Her laugh was actual perfection.

"A-a-le-x T-u-rnerr" She gasped inbertween me tickling her. "Put me downnnn!" I was about to carry on with the so called 'torture' but then her Dad awkwardly walked back in. The look on his face was priceless. It was the 'what the fuck are you doing with my daughter' look. A smirk crept onto my face. Her cheeks were burning red.

"Oh hey Dad..Me and Alex were about to go and get coffee.." She was the first one to speak.

"Ah yes, I thought that was what it looked like" his tone dripped in sarcasm but he just turned his back and went to sort some paper work out.

Carrying Elle out of the double glass doors, I placed her down and then we burst into a fit of laughter.

"Did you see the look on his face?!!" She screamed with laughter. She was adorable when she was like this and I'd only known her for about three days.

"Yeh hang on. Quote: I thought it was what it looked like" I put on a voice like her dads and she collapsed onto the pavement because she was laughing too much. She did not care for the weird looks she was getting, nor for what she looked like right now. She was beautiful and had no care in the world.

Later that day we got coffee. It was perfect. Not the coffee, the trip there and what we talked about.

End Of Flashback

El sighed beside me. "I kind of feel nostalgic about that. But I love things now. you know?"

I knew exactly what she meant.

"I'd love to spend all them moments with you El, it's whats made my life good."

She smlled and snuggled into my chest.

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