Chapter 7

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Welcome to England. Dull, murky and grey was all that I could think of when I compared it to LA's bright city life. Walking down the side of the road on the stone pathway, I walked past an old building. Domino records. Smilling to myself, flashbacks swept through my mind of the last time I had gone in there. I was in Britiain, Sheffield, to see my family which I had not seen in a while as I moved to LA a few years ago. When I was 7 years old, me, Dad and my step-mom moved here from London where I was born. I lived in Sheffield untill I moved to LA.

Looking back into the window, I remembered that Dad used to own this place. I used to come and visit him pretty much every day after school. In my last year, when I was 16, I met Al here, he was 20.

Flashback to 8 years ago

"Hey Dad, mind if I go play a bit of piano in the studio?" Asking, I placed my bag down in the chair opposite his desk in his grand office. Looking up from his work, his blue eyes looked into mine and he smiled. "Of course Els, whatever you want." When he looked back at his work, I span on my feet and jogged into the studio room with all the music equipment. I loved it here. It made me feel at peace, singing and playing.

Quickly, I sat down on the piano chair and started playing a piece which I had finally mastered. Finally, It came to an end so I just sat there watching through the wide glass window which could make me see into the hallway and office of the wide building. People swarmed about their busy day which made the place look like a bee's nest. Deciding to play some guitar, I picked up the nearest acoustic to me and started strumming making the lyris up as I went. It came from the heart, that's why it always helped me to sing. Just then, I looked up from where I was playing to meet two arresting sepia eyes. They gazed back into mine and made me feel like I was in a trance. "Urmm can I help you?" Trying to sound polite, I asked the strange but attractive guy.

"Oh ahaa no" Was all his responce. "Just heard someone playin' and thought I'd see who it was" Curiosity slurred of his tongue. His accent...He was deffinatley from around here. His words made me notice him more. His hair was dark chocolate brown and fell just aove his eyes. It was quite long and I liked it. Not realising how long I had been stairing at him for he outstreched his hand to try and catch my attention. "My names Alex, Alex Turner" He smiled as I placed my hand in his. When our hands met my hand felt like electric. Unreleasing my hand, I couldn't help but think why that name sounded familiar.

"Where have I heard that from before?" Laughing, his response was short.

"I'm sure you will find out." He started to get up but I didn't want him to leave, even though I had just met him for the first time. Suddenly, I grabbed his hand and tried to think of something to say. He span around and he fell back into my gaze.

"Aren't you gonna ask me what my name is then?" I saw something in his eyes, It was like he was pleased that I had said something. His eyes gazed into mine intently before his voice returned.

"Oh, I forgot about that, love" he smirked which just radiated his attractive looks.

"Elle, Elle-May Harris."

"I'm sure that I'll see you soon Le." He smiled at me, like I had known him for a long time, and he left the room. What was that about? I'd only just met him and he already had a nickname for me?

I laughed, recalling the 20 year old Alex Turner. I was only 16 but I Fell in love with him as soon as I set my eyes on him.

Pulling back into my surroundings, I walked a short distance before getting a cab which took me to the smale, quiet village my Dad and Amanda (My stepmother) Lived in. I watched the greenary pass by, little flies danced like faries on the horizon whilst I saw the sunsetting in the distance of the cold night. It was summer here but still, it was cold.

All of a sudden, my phone vibrated. Picking up my phone I read the screen.

Alex [1]

My heart fluttered as I saw who had texted me. Opening the message, the corners of my lips turned into a small smile.

Hey Le, You home yet? Hope ya ok. Ring me when you can

Al x

Never before had I responded as quick to a text. My hands swept swiftly across the keyboard and I pressed send. Just then, the taxi stopped. Finally, I was here.

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