Chapter 11

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The noise awoke me from my nightmares. What was going on? Suddenly, my eyes snapped open and the light burst into my eyes. Sitting myself up, I could see Miles, Nick Matt and Jamie surrounding the bed where El lay before I slept. Throwing myself to my feet, I ran over to the bed because I thought something bad may have happened. But no. There smilling and putting a brave face on was Le. She looked so beautiful even with the bruises. She was still Elle. My Elle.

Before I knew what I was doing, My arms were wrapped around her and hers around mine. She smelled sweet and delightful. "Oh Le. What ya doin' eh?" I mumbled into her neck. She giggled but then started to gasp because she couldn't breath properly. Quickly, I let go of her waist and sat her up and stroked her back soothingly. Matt passed her some water and soon she started to get her breathing back to normal before returning an answer to my quiestion.

"I'm so sorry Al...I didn't mean to ruin our evening or anything. I am so sorry for the grief I have given you" Her voice was hoarse and husky. Her eyes were sad and she looked regretfully back at me.

"You didn't. Don't worry Elle-May. Knew you'd be ok didn't I"

"Obviously, Lexie." She tried to laugh but started having a coughing fit. Holding her back up, I could tell she wasn't at all very well. But at least she was back.

Elle's P.O.V

I looked into his beautiful sepia eyes as he held my back for me. Everytime I tried to laugh, coughing would hold me back and stop me from being happy. I was in pain no doubt, but Al's presence made it bearable. God knows what happened after I blacked out, but lets just say that I'm lucky to be here now.

Noticing some flowers and a few cards on the side of my table, I looked up to see Miles, Jamie and Nick at the end of my bed looking at me and Alex. I smiled at them before asking them something. "What's all this eh?" Pointing to the side of my table.

"Oooh you know, thought we might need to decorate the room a bit.." Jamie said cheekly before getting a death stare from Al. He took this very seriously.

"Woah Al, only kidding. They're for you El. Thought you might like 'em" Jamie rephrased.

For the whole day, everyone stayed with me and kept me company and helped me with getting me drinks and food even though I didn't eat any of it. Alex insisted that I should, but I couldn't and had lost my apertite. He brought his ipad in so that I could watch my favourite movies on it and listen to my favourite music. In the evening, they told us that I would be able to go home if I was well enough next week.

That night, Alex and the rest of the boys had gone back home. They looked like they needed sleep, especially Al. I fell asleep to have a nightmare.

It was dark. Where was I? Suddenly, I realised that I was in a car. The doors were locked and I couldn't get out. That's when I realised. The car was my car, the one I lost in the crash. Immeidietly, my car plumited into the darkness and I could finally see light at the end of what felt like a tunnel. Just then, all at once, I was in the blinding light. A car as fast as lightning was tearing towards me and I couldn't move or do anything. The car hit me but this time I was contious. A scream followed. But it was not me. Slowly, I turned around to see blood was all over the car. In the back seat was...

I woke up screaming, my head beaded with sweat. Light pertroded through the gap in the cheep hospital curtains. The night terror felt shorter but it wasn't. Suddenly, someone burst through the door. It was Alex. He rushed up to me and wiped my forhead with his hand. Panic was over his face and I realised he must have been outside when I screamed.

"Le, what's wrong?" Worry slipped off his tongue. Gasping, I tried to give an answer. The best I could say.

"Uhh I-I-I haad...Uh uh bad dream" My words stuttered but he heard what I said eventually and he hugged me then he kissed me on the cheek, lingering at the end. Finally, My breathing slowed and returned to normal.


"Hmmm?" Was all that he mumbled into my neck. He was drained. He needed rest.

"You should have stayed at home longer. You look so tired and You need to sleep. Don't worry bout me Al, I'll be fine" Pulling away from our hug he looked longingly into my eyes. I knew he was not moving untill I was out of this hospital. Sighing, I gave up and knew that my words were no use.

"I love you Alex." Kissing his cheek, I realised that was the first time I was able to move properly since I woke. Was I getting better?

"Love you to El" He smiled slightly before faling onto the chair next to me and he was enclosed in a deep sleep.

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