Chapter 16

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The day had gone pretty quickly and now, Me an El were on a speed boat going towards the main island of our holiday home. The day was spent just relaxing by the sea and pool but now we were going out to some of the main bars around here to see what they had to offer. 

Walking in through the door way, many people were already surrounding tables and stools. Just then, Le turned towards me. "What are you drinking?"

"Oh, I'm paying Le" I said winking at her and walking towards the bar, hands interwined.

When the lady at the bar finally came to serve us her facial expressions changed. She'd regognised me and now had total interest in me. Oh boy, fucking brilliant.

Elle's P.O.V 

Sitting down at a quieter table, I waited for Al to get the drinks. I noticed that he was at the bar, obviously bored from the lady behind it going on and on trying to impress him. After a while, he had got the drinks and was looking around trying to find me. His warm, brown eyes circled the room untill they fell upon my gaze and my waving arm. When he saw me the left side of his mouth pulled up into a sweet smile. Oh how I loved it when he did that.

"Jesuuus. How long does it take to get a drink around here eh?" He chuckled to himself but I joined in because he was so adorable - Especially when he was supposed to be pissed off.

The night mainly consisted of a few drinks, not too many as we didn't want to ruin the night. All of a sudden, Al stood up and spoke to me in his oh-so-heavenly voice.

"Just gonna go to the loo. Don't worry, I will be back" He made the last bit of the sentance sound creepy which made me laugh. He smirked and sauntered off into the back of the building.

Whilst he was gone, I decided to get us a round of shots to finnish the night off. Slowly, I stood up and paced over towards the bar stand. Suddenly, two sweaty arms grabbed me from the side and yanked me against the wall which knocked the air out of my lungs. Gasping for air, I looked up to see an extremely tall figure tower over me. The stench of too much alcohol reeked from his breath. Again, the two arms pushed me against the wall before the drunken fool spoke to me.

"Darl' I would ask to buy ya a drink, But I think we should skip that bit" Suddenly, I tried to scream as the man made his way towards my face but then, he pushed his hand over my mouth to make me stop. His other hand was grabbing my chin and I couldn't breath. I couldn't escape.

Alex's P.O.V

Quickly, I walked out of the toilets and made my way to mine and Le's table again. She wasn't there. My eyes started wandering throughout the whole place. Immiedietly I spotted her struggling for help. Tearing my way through the vast amounts of people I grabbed the large man and pushed him out of the way with so much force, he fell over. He was so drunk he just passed out on the ground next to me. Fucking lunatic. Turning my eyes to El, she slid down into a crouch and cuddled her knees with her delicate, trembling arms. She looked like a lost child, a single tear washing down her face. Sinking down next to her, I stroked her face with my thum wipping the tear away. Then I wrapped my other arm around her trying to make her feel 'safe'.

After a while, I carefully picked her up in my arms and stroked hair silky hair. I walked out of the somewhat 'friendly' bar and got into the boat. For the whole journey back to our holiday island she never let go of me, nor did she speak or move. Her hands fixated around my chest and her head buried into my shirt. Memories of the past must have been haunting her as this was not the only time something like that had happened to her. She would never forget anything like that.

Eventually, we got back. When we reached our room on the water, I layed her attentively on top of the white cotton sheets. Kissing her forhead, I got up but then she sat up and grabbed my hand. Her eyes were filled with sorrow and were in need of company so I layed on the bed with her, pulling her up to me. She slumbered her head onto my torso and I wrapped my arms around her. "Shhh Le, It's ok love" I whispered soothingly into her right ear lobe. I knew she wasn't going to sleep tonight so I stayed with her. I did not mind.

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