Chapter 23

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It was the waiting that I hated. As I looked out into the vast amounts of people from behind the staging, I waited nervously for Alex, Matt, Nick and Jamie to walk out on stage. The music which they always played before performing was casting out of the speakers. It had the crowd on edge and they were screaming for more. Suddenly, Al kissed my check when he walked past me and walked out onto main stage with the boys. The crowd went wild.

Song after song, they were amazing. Some songs pulled at my heart as memories pilled in my brain.

Knee socks.

When you walked around your house wearing my sky blue Lacoste
And your knee socks

I knew for sure that was the time when Al was at mine and I found his lacoste and put it on for a laugh. He took a picture of me. I have it on polaroid somewhere, or he did. My hair was in pigtails and I did a peace sign and pouted for the jokes.

All to soon, they had finnished. Suddenly, Al came up to me and pulled me into him, close. I ran my hands through his messy hair and I felt his breath on my neck. He lifetd me off my feet and picked me up bridal style, then carried me out behind the stage back to the tour bus.

"You were amazing, Al" I breathed when he put me down on the step up to the bus. Kissing him on his check, he moved his head so that his check was replaced with his enticing lips. He kissed me passionatley, pushing me against the side of the bus. Too soon, the rest of the guys came out from the stage set and gave us comments, so we stopped.

"Ehh, wait till we get back home guys." Jamie shouted.

"Be a lad, Al" Matt said and winked at us before stepping onto the bus. Just then I noticed that Paolo was walking up to us all. Probably to say goodbye as we were leaving in the next half an hour. Fuck. I wasn't going to see him again for about a year as he would be on tour.

When he got to the bus, we let him inside and said our goodbyes. We were all seriously good friends with Paolo now. Last of all it was my turn. He pulled me into a hug and we stayed like that for a long time. Everyone knew that we were best mates so they knew it was only a friendly hug.

"Gonna miss you Pal" I whispered when he pulled away. I hated goodbyes.

"Same Elle. Aha I guess I'll see you around little buddy" he said with his hand on my shoulder and a smile on his face.

Just then I remembered something.

"Hey, guys! I got these things on a stall earlier just for a laugh" I said, pulling out a packet of festival bindis. I slipped them out of the packet and got a pink one and stuck it on Al's head, then gave one to Paolo, before Matt grabbed the rest of the packet and put the rest on his face. I couldn't stop laughing.

Just then, I grabbed my polaroid camera and got the bus driver to take a photo of Me, Al, Paolo and Matt pulling the most hularious posses. Then I remembered I wanted a digital copy so I got my phone out and took a selfie. Fuck, it was hularious.

Finally, Paolo had gone and we were just about to leave so I went to go and put something a little comfier on for the two hour drive to the airport, and then the 12 hour flight.

Quickly, I swiftly walked into the small room at the back and grabbed a pair of dark skinny genes, a black and white tee and some black jelly shoes then finally, finnished my look of with a choker. I left my hair down in it's natural waves.

As I walked out of the cramped rom, the bus started moving and I went to sit down in a seat. Everyone was on the couch. Not knowing why I felt upset, I leant my head against the window and rested my feet on the table.

Alex's P.O.V

Looking over in El's direction, I noticed her alone and asleep. Fuck, she looked gorgeous with her blonde hair falling like a waterfall past her shoulders. Her lips had slight colour in from the balm she had on earlier but my kisses removed most of the tasteful berry gloss a few hours earlier.

Suddenly, she awoke to the sound of her phone going off. She unlocked the screen to see what had caused it to sound. All at once, her face dropped and her eyes started filling up with precious tears. Slamming myself up, I sprinted over to her struggling as the vehicle was moving. I didn't give a shit for I needed to see what was wrong. Kissing, the tears away from her face she slammed her phone down on the top of the tabled by her seat so that it fell off. She kept her frustrated gaze at the floor. I pulled her onto my lap as I reached to get her phone and unlocked it to see what had caused this. Immedietly, comments flooded the screan from her instagram from the picture she posted of me, Matt, Paolo and her. She had a lot of followers as she was famous for being mine but she had not been on it for a year as we spilt. But people knew we were back together and the comments mainly consisted of heart stabbing, bitchy, hatefull words.Pictures were up of us earlier walking hand in hand around the festival grounds. How could someone hate the most wonderful girl in the universe?

"Elle.." I whispered soothingly into her right ear lobe. My lips lingured on inches from her skin but she did not notice. She looked broken. The last time I saw he like that was...was when I foolishly let her go. I can't even forgive myself for being such a fuckin' idiot.

All of a sudden Jamie gave a comment which seemed to break her even more. He didn't mean it like that, but it angered me.

"Ey El. Who's died?" He joked but she glared at him before running out into the little room at the back and slamming the door behind her. I heard the lock click. Great.

"Fucking well done mate" I harsly said at Jamie and by now I think he'd gotten the message.

"I can't believe it. Now she's mine again and everyone hates us for it. Everything I fuckin' do seems to have some effect on everyone else. What's fuckin' wrong with this world." Anger stammered out of my mouth as I made my way to the room El had just locked herself in. No one replied to my comment. They knew that now wasn't a good time.

I sat down against the locked door knowing speaking wouldn't unlock the door. Oh, how I wanted to kiss her lips, her skin. Feel her smile against me. I just wanted her to be her again.

Hearing sobbing through the door, I needed to get in there to talk to her but only time would let me do that. Fuck. What have I done to her life. I've made it worse. People hate her now because of me. Last year she nearly died because of me. That was when she took an overdose of sleeping pills because of her depression - because of fucking me.

Just then the door clicked unlock and it opened ever so slightly. I stumbled to my feet and went in. She was curled up on the crumpled bed sheets with her eyes closed.

Without talking, I scooped her up and placed her in my arms so that she was on my lap. "Fuck, I am so sorry Le.." Was all I could foolishly say. She opened her eyes and looked confussed as to what I'd just said. So I added to what I'd previously said. "I've uh just made your life a complete living hell. I can't imagine the pain I've brought you. Fuck, you don't deserve me at all. How did I even get the chance to love someone as special as you?" My words stumbled and stuttered but I was asking my self these things whilst saying them aloud. Before I could speak anymore, Le kissed my lips. It was not any old kiss. It was one that carried despiration and I could feel her frustration. After a while, she pulled away and stroked my cheek with her tiny hands.

"Don't ever fucking think like that you." She spoke softly but her voice was hoarse. "I love fucking much Al. I could not ask for more. Waking up with you next to me, kissing your lips is like heaven on earth. Don't you ever think that...that you're not good enough because god, you are. You are good to me. Alexander David Turner, I could never, never love anyone else more than I love you. It was inevitable for me to fall for you. You won't stop me from doing that because Al, I adore you.." Her words were perfectly spoken and she took her time. She looked me in the eye ith every word that came out her enticing lips. I knew she was not lying when she said anything.

No more words were needed to be said. I grabbed her waist and pulled her into me so that she had her legs wrapped around my waist. I pushed her glowing hair away from her face and kissed her like never before. The lust grew hotter and hotter with each kiss. Fuck, I needed her.

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