Chapter 12

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It had been a week since I was let out of hospital. Everything was back to normal, I hoped.

I was sat watching Al carefully place shirts, jeans and trousers into a very full suitcase. He tried putting his purple button down shirt onto the mass pile but it would not fit. His face crumpled up like a frown away piece of paper. Laughing at him, I slowly got up from the chair in his bedroom and walked over to help him sort it. "No wonder it doesn't fit, Your stuffs in here!" Al joked nudging my arm. Grabbing the shirt off him, I managed to find a space for it to fit. We were going on holiday, for a week, to the Maldives. They were beautiful, tranquill islands with a lot of privacy. We didn't want the paparazi with us.

Pulling me out of my day dream, Al kissed my cheek and wrapped his large arms around my waist. Don't know how that worked as I was sat cross legged on the floor, but still it did. Resting my head on his shoulder, I inhailed in his sweet scent. That cologne he always wore was freshly applied smelling better than ever. "Has anyone ever told you that you smell great" I said to him with a grin plastered on my face.

"Uhh nope" Alex's laugh filled the room and wow, I still couldn't get over how amazing it was. Brushing my hand on his cheek, I turned his head towards me so that we were looking at each other full on. I bit my lip because everytime I looked at him I could not get over how attractive he was. I could look at his face all day and not get bored. Pressing my lips against his, our hands interwined by the side of us. Suddenly, I pulled away realising that we had to get to the airport to catch our plane which Al had organised. Private jet no doubt. "Heyyy, Elle-May I was enjoying that." Abruptly, He stood up with speed and picked me up in his strong arms, slinging my front over his shoulder so my legs were hanging by his chest. I squeled like a little girl. "Allll, put me down" Whinning seemed to be no use. He picked the one large suitcase up in his other hand, grabbed all of our stuff and made it to the door. I managed to get my satchel when he was carrying me.

Placing me down gently in the car, Al reached over to the stereo and put on a CD which was playing early in his car. Tame Impala.

It feels like I only go backwards baby

Every part of me says "go ahead".

I got my hopes up again, oh no... not again.

Feels like we only go backwards darling.

The song boomed through the cars speakers as he went to the back of the car and closed the boot. I sang along as loud as I could before Alex shut me up with a kiss on the lips. Giggling, I pulled away. This was going to be such a perfect holiday.

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