Chapter 14

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Looking up into the clear, deep blue night sky, I lifted my wine glass to my lips and sipped a small amount. "It's so beautiful" I whispered to Alex, who was at opposite me. We were sat outside at a dinning table drinking and eating.

"Just like you then Le" Alex winked at me before returning his gaze back to me. His warm eyes reflected the stars which made them even more arresting. Tonight reminded me of when we were younger. Just 4 months after we had met and of course, how could I forget that?

8 years ago

Sitting up in my bed, I turned the lamp on next to my bed and looked at the clock. Midnight. There was a small noise coming from my window, like stones were being thrown against it. Slowly, I walked to my window to peak out of the curtains. Was that Alex? What the fuck was he doing out here at 12 in the morning chucking stones at my window? Pulling my window open, I talked quietly but loud enough for him to hear me. I didn't want my parents waking up. Yeh, Ok they liked Alex as me and him were like best friends ever since I met him 4 months ago, but I'm sure they wouldn't be too happy being woken up at this time.

"Alex? What the fuck? Do you know what time it is? Wait. Are you drunk?" So many questions came out of my mouth all at once and all he did was chuckle to himself.

"Ohhh, no. Just wondered if you wanna come on a walk." He replied.

"A walk...okaaay. When?"


What was I suppoesed to do? I was in my pyjamas, my hair was a mess and I wasn't wearing any makeup. Fuck it, I'm going - I thought to myself.

Throwing on a pair of tracky bottoms and a vest top, I threw my hair up in a messy pony tail, grabbed my shoes and quietly ran down the stairs and out of the front door. If he asked me something, I would do it. If he needed help, I'd be there in seconds. I'd do anything for him.

He was waiting for me, in all of his glory. Messy, long brown hair. Deep brown eyes. Then his husky voice brought me back out of my daydream. "Follow me, Le." Was all he said before he turned on his feet, me beside him. We were walking so close together and our hands kept brushing against each other.

After about a ten minuet walk, we reached a issolated field. We walked into it and sat down on the cool grass. Just then Al lyed down and looked up into the stars. I did the same.

Alex raised his arm and outstreched his finger, pointing at a constalation. "You see that?" He turned his head to look at me and noticed I was already looking at him. All I could say was short. He caught me looking at him.


"Beautiful, isn't it."

"Yeh, It is.." I replied. Still I was confussed about this random outing but I did not care for I was out with Alex and that's all that mattered right now.


"Yes, Le"

"Tell me about yourself." I wanted to know him more than I already did. I'd already asked him so many questions so I pretty much knew him like the back of my hand. But still I wanted to know him. I needed him.

"Ohh, aha well. Uhh you pretty much know everything." He spoke quietly and picked his words carefully.

"Ok. Ask me anything and I will...I don't know, answer honestly with one word answers so 'Yes' or 'No'"

"interesting..." Then he laughed which made the butterflies in my stomach dance wildly. I was nervous. I always was when I met up with Alex, Dunno why?

"Ok. Here we go. So, Elle-May Harris." He took his time asking me which made me regret things more.

"Oh for fucks sake Al, Get on with it!" Playfully, I hit him on the shoulder and he reacted by winking at me. I might have just melted inside everytime he did that.

"Ok. Are you a virgin?"

"What? HAHA why are you asking me that? ok. Yes I am." I spoke loudly because I couldn't understand why he'd ask me something like that.

"No you are not Elle-May Harris!" His eyebrows were raised which made him look like he did not believe me.

"Why would you say that Al?"

"Because you're...You're beautiful and I urhhh...Don't think that is possible."

I was taken back about what Alex had just said. I was falling so hard for him and he couldn't possibly think that I was Beautiful? Ok, I've had like a few relationships in the past but non too serious. I'm nearly 17 and I guess I hadn't found the 'right' person yet.

Sighing, I lifted my head and rested it back down on Al's shoulder. Just then he put his arm around me. "Alex.." I sighed. "Answer me this. Are you a virgin?" I was curious now and I wanted to know. Suddenly, Al began to chuckle.

"El, I've had a few relationships in the past, Non too heated but yeh, still a virgin right here."

Sitting up, my mouth hung open. What? He was NOT a virgin!

"Alex that is not true come on now" He sat up when I said that.

"Oh and why do you think that?"

"Come onnn. A guy. way, way attractive cannot still be one." Before I could realise what I was saying, I'd said exactly what I'd been thinking. Slamming my hand over my mouth, I didn't know what to say.

"A guy waaay attractive eh?"

I could feel myself starting to go red and I let my hand drop from my lips. In the end, I was gratefull for the darkness ad my cheeks were now the brightest shade of red.

Looking up, I noticed Alex's eyes were much closer than I thought. His eyes were focassed on mine but then dropped to my lips. Bitting on my botton lip, I did not feel embarresed anymore. The feeling was replaced by lust. Lust for Al. I wanted him, I needed him and he was my drug. After a few months of becoming his best friend many people around us had said that our friendship was more like skinny love. Maybe it was.

Just then, Al placed his hands on my cheeks, One of them brushed a strand of my hair away. Our faces were getting closer and the wait to feel his lips was torcher. I could not wait any longer. I needed to feel him against me.

Our lips collided and his soft lips moved with mine. I ran my hands through his hair as he held my face in his hands. Suddenly, Our kiss turned more passionatley and grew in lust and love. He needed me and I needed him. We were dependant on each other and I knew it was always going to be like that...

End of flashback

Alex's P.O.V

She was looking into the sky. So pleasingly and prepossessingly. I craved to know her every thought.

"What you thinking about eh?" Asking her, She returned her gaze with mine as I watched her intently.

"You" Was all she answered with. She smilled at me looking back into the nights sky. There was a constalation falling into place.

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