Chapter 22

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An arm was wrapped closely around my waist as I opened my eyes to the morning. Our feet and legs were tangled together, the heat radiating from his skin. Slowly, I turned to face the sleeping angel which lay beside me. His dark hair fell over his closed eyelids, lips slightly parted. God, he was perfect. I never will get over how Alex is. Everytime I see him, it's like I'm falling in love all over again.

For a while, I layed there looking at him. Our breathing was in sync. Just then, I noticed two gorgeous sepia eyes sleeply looking at me intently. Smilling, I raised my hand to his cheek and stroked it with my thumb.

"Mornin' love" Alex said with a husky morning voice. Fuck. He pulled my body closer and I rested my head on his bare chest whilst he made small circle patterns on my bare back. Sitting up, I proped my self up above him laying my elbows one his torso. He raised his hand towards my colloar bones and started tracing the shape of them sending tingles shooting through my spine.  Slowly, I got up and went for a shower.

After around 5 minuets, I'd showered and was throwing on some clothes which I thought would do for the day. Black short jumpsuit, black boots, some midi-rings and my daisy flower crown. Classic festival look. As I looked into the steamed mirror, I left my blonde hair to rest past my shoulders and applied some burgandy lipstick and a little mascara.

Alex's P.O.V

As I waited for Le to finnish in the small bathroom, I got up and got my clothes ready. Leather jacket of course paired with some dark blue jeans and a white t-shirt with black boots.

Suddenly, The door of the bathroom flew open making me jump. Jumping around, I stopped dead in my tracks to the beautiful girl in the door way. Fookin' hell. She was perfect. How did I ever get a chance to love her. She deserved so much more than me.

Slowly, I sauntered up to her making her feel uncomfortable. I smirked which I could tell made her feel nervous. I reached out and tucked some of her silk like hair behind her ear and leant in. Gradually, I kissed her neck, bitting her ivory skin gently. She moaned making me smirk against her warm body. All at once she grabbed my hair for support as I teased her with more and more kisses.

"Alexxxx" She whinned. "Get on with it" She joked.

Finally, when I'd finnished kissing her glowing skin, I said what I needed to say earlier.

"You look arresting in that love. God, what you do to me El." Chuckiling, I made my way into the bathroom to have a shower.

3 hours later

It was around 2pm and me and Le decided to make the most of this festerval whilst we had time before me and the guys performed tonight.

She placed her tiny, delicate hand in mine as we walked out into the main grounds. Most people were watching the music but some were around because they didn't like the stuff that was on now. Looking over at her angelic figure, I noticed that she had her eye on something. Folling her blue-eyed gaze I saw the monsturous ride that awaited us. Storm. The name on the ride I was guessing we were about to go on. It was like a clock hand. 2 seats on the end of the bottom and 2 seats at the top end. It moved around in clockwork motion so that you went upside down.

Sitting in the seat, Elle looked over at me with fear and excitment as the guy placed her seat over her head and then the same for me. She grabbed my hand and held onto it with all of the strength that she had. Shit. I was like scared too. Fookin' hell.

Suddenly, the arm of the ride lifted us up into the air and we were airborn.

"HOLY FUCKING SHITTTT!!!!!" Elle screamed next to me and it felt like her grip around my arm was going to break it. But hey, I wasn't exactly concentrating on that. She'd always been one for these rides and always made me come on them with her. I could sense the paparazi capturing our every moment from below. Thanks for fucking privacy.

Finally, the ride finnished and we got up. Well. Elle did and she had to pull me up to get me going.

Elle's P.O.V

"Fuck, that was awesome." I said to Alex who was slightly behind me, trying to remember how to walk again. Then I saw his face expressions making me burst into a fit of laughter. This always happened to Al when we went on things like this. "HAHA oh my god, Al. Guess you didn't think it was all that great eh?" Winking at him, I walked over to were he was now stood. I wrapped my hand inside his and kissed his cheek. He smilled at me and then mumbled to me.

"Ayy I wasn't scared. Just...uh uncomfortable." He chuckled along with me.

"Oh come on Al. We all know that wasn't-" Before I could carry on, he inturupted me.

"Oh okay, El. I thought I was gonna fookin' die." Honesty burned through his eyes but I couldn't keep a serious face. I collapsed on the floor with laughter. Literally. On the floor and the paparazzi were getting every moment of it.

"Holy shit Al. i've never heard you talk so much honesty before." As I said this, he raised an eyebrow making his attractive features show even more. Just then he yanked me up into his arms and carried me over to the ferris wheel.

After the short queue, We'd gotton on a the ferris wheel and had an apartment space to our selves. Quickly, I knew I had to take this moment. Pulling my polaroid camera out of my black satchel, I pulled it up to my face and snapped the priceless photo in front of me. Alex. He was looking out at the view and he looked gorgeous. The flash starteled him for a moment but then gave me a joke death glare. He pulled the camera off me and held onto it.

"Oh Alll, we all know unprepared photos are 'da bomb'" I joked with the end words and making the 'perfect' sign with my hands. He hated slang, so did I.

"Well, I agree then El. I'll take an unprepared one of you when you're not expecting it then" He smirked because he'd gotten his way.

Eventually, the ride came to an end and we got off. After a long walk, we were nearly back at the tour bus. Just then, I noticed some beautiful flowers on the ground. Slowly, I bent down to pick them up unawere of where Al was. I stood up and smelt the tastful sent that flew of it's petals with the wind. Imeidietly, a flash went off besides me and I span on my heals to see Al holding the camera with a gin plastered over his face. I started to laugh, uncontrollaly because this moment was so funny and precious. Even more flashes went off besides me so I stopped.

"Hey Al. Only one I took. And, uh I don't want photos of me so you can keep them." I fake smiled at the end as he smugly put the pictures into his leather jacket pockets.

"Fine by me" He said with a cheeky wink before placing his hand back into mine and we walked back to the tour bus ready for his gig.


A/N: Just a reminder that I have posted a new fanfiction (about Alex Turner) so if you're interested, go to my profile page and have a read:) enjoy!

Thanks again for votes and reads and any comments made by you:) would be helpful to get more feedback in comments etc. So if you want to, tell me what you like or don't like about the story:)

Thank you.

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