Chapter 18

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Today was my birthday. I was making my way to Al's as he said that he was taking me out for dinner.

Before I got out of the car, I tugged at my black and white dress that rested just abouve my knee. My black high heels lay elegantly on my feet. Checking in the mirror of the car, I applied more red lipstick and brushed my hands through the falling strands of my hair which was in a low bun.

Pushing the door open, I slipped my legs out of the car door and shut it behind me. Just then, I noticed that his front door was slightly open. Curiously, I quietly stepped towards the door and pushed it opem.

"Al?" I called stepping int the darkness of his house. My shadows casted phantoms on the ceiling as I cautiously walked up to the sitting room doors. They were shut? Pushing the handle down, I stepped into the room. Suddenly, the lights switched on revealing the faces of many friends. Party poppers went off and I saw the face I loved in the centre of the room. I didn't know what to say. "SUPRISE!" Everyone said in chorus at my entrance.

"Fuck, You scared me!" Everyone laughed at my reaction. Running up to Al, I hugged him with my feet of the ground. Everyone went "Aww" As they saw this. "Thank you Al. Didn't know that you ever threw suprise parties" Winking at him, I turned around to hear some of my favourite music being played. Live. There standing by the microphone with some of his musicians was Paolo. Yes, Paolo Nutini. I met him around seven months ago and he's one of my best mates. Waving at him, he smilled at me as he carried on singing 'Scream (Funk my life up)'.

7 months ago (Back in England)

Dad pulled up at the therapist offices, he didn't trust me to come on my own because I would never end up going. Why the fuck did I have to go? There was no point.

"Look, Dad. I don't get it. When are you going to realise that I don't need to see a fookin' therapist??!" I said to him in a same tone. I never had the energy to talk anymore, smile anymore, laugh anymore. What was the fucking pont.

"Elle. You can get over this. Over this depression I-"

I inturupted him before he could finnish his sentance.

"I am not depressed." Mumuring back to him, I knew I would have to get out of the car. Pushing the door open, I lazily kicked my legs out and started walking towards the entrance door not bothering to close the car door behind me. Dad was worried about me. Why?

I looked down at the ground. Tiny cracks covered the surface of the concrete road like rivers but only without the water. Then, I noticed what I was wearing. Converse, three quarter trackies and a white fluffy sweater. I did not care what I looked like, nor for what I was wearing. I never made effort since...since...I can't even bring myself to say his name.

Dragging my feet into the reception room, I went to check myself in before turning around to find a seat. No one was here. Apart from a guy who vaguely looked like Paolo Nutini. His music was good the last time I checked. Never listened to music anymore.

Slumping my self down in the rock hard seat, I noticed him looking at me. When my gaze met his he smiled slightly at me before returning his gaze back to the plain white wall. He looked like me- tired, no energy and restless of sleep. Then a scottish voice rang through the quiet room. His.

"What brings you here then?" His tone was flat and he had no energy. I didn't know how to respond to this. No one had wanted to talk to me in a while.

"Uh." My tone was uncertain but I had to say his name.

"A-A-lex Turner" I stuttered but managed to say it. In fact, I felt slightly better. Since me and him broke up, people say I've been depressed. That's not the word.The started worrying when I was rushed to hospital a few weeks after we split. I had taken an overdose of sleeping pills and was in intensive care for many more weeks. The funny thing is, Alex didn't even ring. Not once. Maybe he didn't know or maybe he just didn't care. Who knew?

Just then my thoughts were inturupted.

"Oh right." Recognation of me being the famous mans ex was in his tone. "I guess we have some things in common then. Kind of the same." He replied.

"What? Alex Turner?" I found myself smilling a bit and giggling at his responce. Not in a long time had I done that.

He chuckled. "Nahh, My ex ..uh she left me a while ago and haven't really been copping very...well."

Before I could respond, my turn came to go and see my therapist. After I came out I saw the same face.

"No any good places for coffee? Well. Might need something stronger than that actually." I asked Paolo. He still hadn't actually told me his name in person I just knew it was him.

End of flashback

He told me a good place and he tug along after his appointment. We became good friends after that and he helped me overcome depression and I helped him too. That was just before I ran back into Alex at the coffee shop near my house in LA.

Pulling me out of my thoughts, Al hugged me from behind and whispered softly in my ear. "I've got you something Le." He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room. Following him up the stairs, he suddenly grabbed me and put me over his shoulder making me let out a loud squek.

When we reached his room, he sat me down on his bed and went over to his wadrobe to pull out a small flat box wrapped perfectly in dark red tissue paper. My favourite colour. He then quickly walked back over to me, sat down on the bed and place the small, but perfectly fitting box into my small delicate hands. He looked into my eyes with his dark, warm brown ones and gave me a look to say 'open it'. Butterflies danced like faries in my stomach.

Carefully, I started to unwrap the tissue paper to reveal a small little black velt box. Drawing in my breath, I opened it up to show a beautiful necklace with a small heart on the chain. It was painted white gold. It looked so expensive.

"Ohhh Alex." Gasping I carried on my sentance which turned into a whisper. "It's beautiful....Thank you."

He laughed. "Oh no, thank you."

Before I could reply, He had swept me up bridal style and kissed me on the lips slowly. Then he walked down stairs with me still in his arms. When we walked into the room, Everyone cheered and Jamie, Matt and Nick all chorused something cheeky. "Ehhh Al, where ya been huh??" They winked at us before Al dropped me. I went over to them and jokingly swotted them with my hand before hugging each one of them. I couldn't believe Alex had done this all for me. I couldn't tell him how much I loved him. Words wouldn't be enough to describe how I felt for him.

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