Chapter 13

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It was beautiful. The twelve hour flight and one hour boat trip to this peaceful, silent island had been worth it.

Stepping out of the boat, I put my vintage sunglasses over my eyes, the sun was blinding. It's rays beamed down and met my skin which sent tingles up my arm. Just then Al came out of the boat behind me and picked me up bridal style not caring what people thought. Looking into his eyes, which was hard as he was wearing the most amazing sunglasses, I rubbed my nose against his and he smiled.

After about half an hour, we had reached our room. It was down a jeti and was surrounded by loads of other water huts. Ours was at the end and had a view of the beautiful sea. The kind people working here had already left our suitcases there and were waiting for us to take them inside our new home for a week. Not once did Al put me down.

Kicking the door with his foot, Alex took me inside of the cool room. Wow. It was so nice. To the left of me was the bathroom but continuing down the hallway, there was a massive bedroom leading to the gigantic glass doors. Out there was a wooden deck with a hot tub, and steps leading into the sea. Not realising Alex had already gone back outside to get the suitcases, he made me jump when he placed them down next to me and pulled me in quickly for a hug.

"Hmm we should you know..Unpack" I mumbled into his chest. I heard him chuckle which made me smile.

"Or...we could I don't know" Before he could finnish his sentance, he already had picked me up over his shoulder. Giggling, I squeled for him to put me down. He carefully placed me down on the bed and then he stood up. Just then I grabbed his shirt in both of my tiny hands and yanked him towards me which made him fall onto the bed. Just then he sat up over me and started tickling me. Curling up into a ball didn't work. "A-a-l-ex" Gasping, I tried to get him to stop. Eventually he did. He grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap. Resting my head against his shoulder, my breathing started to get back to normal. Suddenly, I noticed that it had got awfully hot in here.

"It's so hot in here, Al. Maybe I'll have to get changed" Winking at him, he gave me a short reply.

"Well, Elle, Maybe I can help you with that." Suddenly, he pulled my black crop top over my head. It got stuck and Al couldn't stop laughing.

"Urhh Alex, Need a bit of help here" He was still laughing when my face emerged from my top. That big grin plastered on his face. I couldn't help but smile.

Tracing the buttons on Al's top, I started unbuttoning the top one slowly followed by the rest. Throwing the top over my shoulder, I could not care less where it landed. He always looked so skinny with tops on but now looking at him, he was so muscle-bound.

"Enjoying the view" Al's voice pulled me out of my day dreams.

"Uhhh what if I am??? The view from the afternoon or what" Winking at him he placed a kiss on my collar bone and then all the way up my neck and then finally, my jawline.

"You're so beautiful Elle-May Harris." I couldn't help but laugh. at his comment.

"You're not bad yourself Mr Turner" He smirked and brushed my hair back off my face.

The afternoon had flown by so quickly and the sun was starting to set. Opening my eyes, I looked out of the glass doors to see the evening starting. "It's so beautiful." I whispered to Al. He had his arm around me and I was lying on his bare chest. Suddenly, My stomach rumbled.

"Oh someones a bit hungry El" Al whispered softly in my ear, making the hairs stand up on the back of my neck.

"Yeh, I am." Sleeply, I got up and went into the bathroom and had a shower. After that, I applied a little make-up. Wrapping a towel round me I walked out back into the main bit of the room. Alex was up and was now choosing what he was going to wear. He had chosen a plain shirt and some jeans. Just then I realized he had something small in his hand but before I could see what it was, he noticed I was there and placed it quickly back in the suitcase. "Ohh ur hi again" Smilling sweetly, he walked into the bathroom to have a shower.

Waiting for Al, I picked out a small, little jumpsuit to wear. It was plain black and the bottom half were shorts. I let my hair rest below my shoulders and applied a little red lipstick. It would do.

Just then Alex sauntered out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist. Water droplets still covered his perfect body as he hadn't bothered to dry himself.

"You look Gorgeous Le" Alex said before turning to get changed. I still was not used to him complementing me like that even when I had been with him for so long before we split.

I loved it here and I could tell that I would not want to go home.

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