Chapter 8

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The past three days had gone past like a whilwind and already, I was on the plane back to LA and was about to land any minuet now. I coulnd't wait to see Al again even though I'd only seen him four days ago.

Stepping off the plane, the hummid heat hit me like a brick wall. Still, I hadn't got used to the heat here. I walked through all of the puzzling terminals before I reached the suitcase area. All I wanted to do was get my bags and leave, get home, go to bed. But it looked like someone had other ideas. There standing like heaven himself was Alex with the widest grin I've ever seen him with. As soon as I saw him, my face liighted up like the sun and I rushed over to his welcoming arms and embraced his hug. He smelt...wonderful. Finally, I looked up into his beautiful eyes and he gazed into mine lovingly.

"Hey Al." Kissing his cheek, I walked over to pick up my suitcase which had been circling the isle for a very long time. Everyone had gone so it was just me and Al.

"Thought I might suprise you, El. Missed you ya know" He winked at me and lovingly placed his hand in mine, our fingers interwined. That feeling rushed up my arm like the very first time we had touched. Estatic.

After what felt like a very long time, We sauntered out of the arrivals terminal into the radiatng heat. Suddenly, paparazi circled and followed us when we walked to get into his car obviously getting every detail of us and our hands holding. I didn't want things to be like this. Maybe just to have a little time before anouncing things but that was the way of life being with Alex. When I first met him was the beginning of his fame so there was little press and shit like that.

After a 45 minuet drive, we reached my house. He took my bags out of the car and unlocked my house door and placed them on the wooden floorboards. Obviously, he noticed my tiredness. Then, he walked around to my side of the car and slowly opened my door. Undoing my seatbelt, he placed his hand under the bend of my knee and around my waist before picking me up bridal style. Being in his arms made it feel like the world stopped. Closing my eyes, He took me inside and shut the door behind him with his foot. Damn. I could feel him begin to lower me onto my bed. Opening my eyes, I saw Al next to me. My head was on his lap and he was twirling a piece of my long blonde locks in his gentle hands. We hadn't said anything since the airport. Nothing was needed to be said, it was a comfortable silence.

After a long time, I sat up and rested my head agaist his broad shoulder. He looked closely at me and his eyes fell to my lips. Placing his hand on my jaw, he pulled me against his chest and began to peck my neck with beautiful, long kisses. I could not bare it anymore, I had to kiss him. Immedietly, our lips collided, locking into place. It felt as though his lips were made for mine and mine for his. But of course everything comes to an end so when I pulled away I rested my head sleepily on his chest. Slowly, my eyes began to close and sleep enclosed on me like I was in a black hole.

Beep, Beep. "Fuck offfff" Mumbling i hit my hand on my side table, despretley trying to find my alarm clock. I had obviously forgotten to turn it off as I wasn't going to work for another week. Still, the beeping went off. Pulling myself up, I yanked the clock off my bedside table and threw it to the other side of the room to see it slam against my wadrobe door. I was no morning person, as you could see.

Slipping my legs out of the crumpled cotton sheets, the cool air of the room breathed on my legs sending shivers down my spine. I never normally had the air conditioning on this cold? Suddenly, I remembered that when I fell asleep, It was in Al's arms. Where was he now? And why was I in my pyjamas? Sighing, I realised that he would have had to put me in them unless I was too tired to notice I was doing it myself.

Taking my time, I got up and walked into the hallway. Just then, I noticed a sweet smell coming from the kitchen. Wait. Was Alex cooking?! Never knew he cooked. I pushed the kitchen door open cautiously not wanting him to notice I was awake, but he knew seeing as I had made noise throwing things about.

"Hey, you make a lot of noise in the mornin Le" He winked at me before turning back around to focus on cooking what looked like pancakes.

"Since when did you cook?" Coming up behind him, I wrapped my arms around him and heard his heart beating in his body.

His reply was short and cocky. But that was Al. "Since when did you look so beautiful in the morning?" Smirking he turned back around to face me. Quickly, I playfully hit his arm and watched him cook.

After a while, once we had ate are slightly burnt pancakes, We decided to go back round to his. Once we arived, we decided to watch a movie. He choose something uninteresting so I quickly ran to the dvd collection and pulled out an old favourite of mine...Submarine. "Oohh look what I found Lexie" He looked at me but didn't say anything, just raised an eyebrow.

Halfway through the film, I noticed that I was half asleep. I was snuggled into Alex, my head against his rising chest and my legs tangled with his. His hand stroked my hair soothingly. Just then, I heard noise coming from the front door opening. It was Miles, Matt, Nick and Jamie obviously letting themselves in as they were extremely good mates with Al. Hearing them walk into the sitting room, where me and Al were, they saw us. "Ohh Al, didn't know El was here" Alex didn't talk but I felt him raise his finger to his mouth to hush them thinking that I was asleep. They all sat down with us, opening beers and starting to watch the film with us.

Hearing the closing titles, I hadn't realised that I had drifted off. Slowly, I opened my eyes to see that Alex was looking down at me. His eyes locked with mine, I didn't look away. "Are you always a sleepy head then El?" He jokingly but tiredly said to me.

"Mmm yeh, I am" Snuggling back down into his chest, I felt him chuckle. Falling back to sleep in his arms once again, the world seemed to stop.

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