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Okay, just a warning, please brace yourself because this will contain a lot of emotions! Get your tissues and stress ball!

^^ Niall could never be angry even if he tried, he's just too cute!


<<Niall's POV>>

<<Thursday evening>>

After coming home from work, after a few weeks break, since my boss rewarded me for my hard work, I decided to go see Zayn. I texted him first of course, in case his parents wouldn't let him go out. I've never actually met Zayn's parents, but from what he's told me, they love him, but they let their personal values get in the way. But when I received a mysterious response. It was just 'no'. I immediately knew that Zayn was in trouble. Every single one of Zayn's text was very punctual, had perfect spelling, punctuation, and were full sentences. He never used any shorthand such as 'idk, atm, rn, &, wby or ttyl'. And also, almost every one of his text had an emoji. This could mean only one thing. His parents had his phone and were filing through it.

"Mom! I'm going out!" I yelled. I had to make sure that Zayn was alright. I'm not sure how many times that we've texted. And I don't know how many times he deletes his messages.

"No you're not, Niall, you need to do your homework first, if you want to have a good spring break, you're going to finish your extra credit assignment for pre-calc because you're on the verge of failing." Mom said as she walked into the living room.

"Mom, I think it's Zayn, I think he might be in trouble." I said, worried.

"What do you mean?" She asked, perplexed. I quickly told her what was going on.

"Well, I should go with you, get into my car." She said, kicking off her stilettos and putting on her converses. She got her shawl and I got my jacket. It was March now, so the snow had melted. I directed her to Zayn's house and I also sent Harry and Liam a text, explaining my worries. I didn't have Doniya's number, but I had her instagram, so I sent her a private message. In about ten minutes, we were at Zayn's house. His two sisters, Waliyah and Safaa, were playing in what was left of the snow. From what I heard, they were quite sheltered and innocent.

"Hello, who are you?" the younger one asked. She was about eleven or twelve.

"Safaa! You're not supposed to talk to strangers!" Waliyah scolded. It kinda broke my heart that even Zayn's sisters didn't know who I was.

"I'm Niall, I'm a friend of Zayn and this is my mom, do you know where Zayn is?" I asked.

"Oh, he's inside, having a discussion with mom and papa." Safaa explained.

"Oh, well, may I see them?" I asked.

"I don't know, mom was pretty angry when she told us to stay out, so maybe later?" Safaa suggested. I knew what that meant. Zayn was probably cornered and they found out about something. My mom heard this and parked her red sedan and got out.

"Excuse me, but I think that this is very important." Mom said. "Do you know why your momma got angry?" She asked, calmly, to Waliyah, who seemed to be around fourteen or so.

"I don't know, they took his phone though." She told us.

"Can we go inside, I know you just met us, but we need to speak with your parents."

"Um, okay, we're probably not supposed to let you guys in." Waliyah said, anxiously. "Just come back later, is that okay?" She asked me.

"Umm, mom?" I asked. "Mom?" I looked around, she wasn't there. Then I saw her, she ran up to the door and already opened it. It was unlocked.

Love Can be Frightening *A Ziall AU*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu