Chapter 8- The Park ~Part 1

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We all arrived at the park. John and Paul ran straight to the see-saw, they are so childish. Linda, Stu and Pete went to the swings. Me and George walked around a bit, quite far away from the others. We found a hill and sat there looking at the view of the long field ahead that seemed to go on forever. George didn't mind just sitting here, it's like he's used to it. He is a very calm person. We started to chat, it was about random things again. We can talk about a lot of things and it wouldn't matter. I really do like George, he is the best person I've ever met. That probably sounded really cheesy but it is true..

We started playing with our guitars, I used the new one that George and Linda had bought me. My guitar was perfect, I still can't believe they would do this for me. We were playing random tunes and we played them at the same time. It was really fun, I kept thanking George over and over for my guitar because i truly did love it. We were playing Maggie Mae when i felt two hands tickle me at my sides. I screamed the lyrics of Maggie Mae. I squirmed to try get out of the persons grasp, I turned around and it was Paul. The other guys were behind him laughing. I got up and made an angry face at Paul. He tried not to show his laughter. I poked him in the belly quite fast and he made a funny 'UGH' noise. I couldn't stop laughing. Paul poked me back and it made me do the same noise. We started a poking war, poking each other in the belly really fast. I must of poked him pretty hard because he fell to the ground. I didn't help him get up I carried on poking him, I wasn't going to lose this war. I kneeled over him and poked him in the belly, he was squirming and laughing. He managed to get up and pinned me to the ground, he was basically sat on me and he kept poking and tickling me.

"GET- OFF- ME-" i managed to say through laughs.

"NEVERR!" he playfully shouted, "Guys hellllpppp."

All the guys came over and kneeled on the ground, everyone tickled me. John and Stu was tickling my feet, Pete was tickling my belly with Paul and George was tickling my armpits. I think I kicked someone in the face, that was not my fault..

"GUYYYSSS NOOO" I screamed.

Luckily, Linda helped out by pointing over to a random direction and saying,

"Hey guys what's that over there?"

Everyone got up and moved away, this was my escape. I jumped up and ran off. I heard Paul shout,

"She's getting away!"

I turned around to see all five guys running after me, really fast. I ran as fast as I could but I was caught up and I felt two hands on my hips. I screamed and I thought they would tickle me but instead I was put over Georges shoulder.

"I got her! She's mine now!" George shouted to the others in a fiendish voice.

"NOO" I heard Paul shout back.

I couldn't stop laughing, George ran off with me on his shoulder and I watched the other guys run after us. Paul caught up and somehow managed to pick me up off Georges shoulder. He made a quick "HA" then ran off. He didn't run very far though as he tripped over, we both fell on the ground with a big thud. I wasn't even bothered I just kept laughing, I was in stitches. Paul shielded me with his body so no one could get me. He was incredibly close to me. His face was inches away from mine. He stayed like that for a while just staring into my eyes. I don't know what he was thinking at the time but he had something on his mind. He noticed what he was doing then moved away. The guys were stood around us watching what had just happened, it made it quite awkward. We went back to where me and George was originally sat and sat down all sat in a circle. George was on my left and Paul was on my right. We started playing on our guitars, Pete and Linda would just watch but sometimes Pete would clap or something like that to make a drumming noise.

We started off the first song that I played at the cavern, the Elvis song. I played a guitar part and sang, George played a guitar part an sang, so did Paul but he did a different tune and it made it soun really good, John played his guitar but did not sing and Stuart just watched. It was really fun, every so often when I looked at Stuart I would see him staring at me. Why do guys think it's so fascinating when girls play guitar? When I looked at Paul he would give me a wink, it would make me blush. I don't really know why. When I looked at George he would give me a cute grin. God I love his face.

After this song the guys played their songs they usually play at the cavern. I recognosed most of them and sang along to the ones I knew or if I didn't I would just watch and listen. They are so good at singing and playing guitar, I really think they will get famous one day.

When they finished their songs we all heard a faint noise far away. Everyone stayed quiet to try and work out what it was. George interupted by shouting,


He got up and ran off towards the tune. We all started laughing,

"Him and his food," John said.

The guys started their own conversation about music and the cavern and things and me and Paul started having our own conversation.

"You are really good at guitar you know" Paul said to me.

"Thank you," I gave him a really big smile. People don't understand how I feel when people compliment me on my music playing because of for how long I have kept it to myself and I was always so scared to show anyone and no I'm playing at the cavern and I'm friends with the Quarrymen. "You are way better than me though,"

"You know, I don't agree. You are the best female guitarist I've ever seen." this made me blush, Paul smirked at me when I did this I don't really know what that meant. There was a bit of silence between us then I asked,

"Are you and Linda... a thing?" I asked it a bit randomly but I was curious. Paul was a bit surprised by it. He didn't need to think about the answer though.

"No, she isn't really my type. No offence to your friend or anything but... she doesn't like me anyway. She is obsessed with John anyway, I can tell. Anyway I think I li-" he stopped himself realising what he was about to say. He seemed a bit embarrassed now.

"What?" I asked politely.

"Oh it doesn't matter," he quickly said then George saved the conversation by coming back with seven ice creams in his arms.

"I got us all one," I laughed and said,

"I can see that."

He gave everyone their vanilla ice creams and then when he gave me mine, he gave me a chocolate one. I felt so special and privelaged to have a special chocolate one. This sounds so stupid but it made me feel like he cared for me.

"Thank you,"I gave him a smile then he grinned at me and sat back down next to me all eating our ice creams.


What's up with Paul?!?!

This is part 1 of the park bit, I'll do part 2 tomorrow so don't worryyy :))

Please tell me what you think and please vote :))

Can someone please tell me if it is cringey or not because seriously I have no idea what you think of it.

Thank you for reading :)))

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