Chapter 21- Stuart's Letter

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||Georges POV||

I'm tired. I was up till five this morning. I thought this was meant to be good for us? Not exhausting. I guess we are getting better though, musically. God, we have to play for so long at such late times. And this place, it's... strange. When it starts to get late you need to be careful what you're doing. You don't want to be with the wrong person at night..

We've been here for two weeks now and I really want to go home. I really want Michelle back, I miss her too much. But we have to stay, why did I go? I should have stayed with Michelle. I feel as if I've let her down. Just another five months yet till I come back.. yippee..

I'm laying in my bottom bunk bed trying to rest with all that racket going on. I'm staring at the bed above me, just thinking about life. I do this a lot, I like to escape reality sometimes. Just get lost in my thoughts. Pete is on the top bunk, he's fiddling with his drum sticks or something. On the other side of the room Paul and John are sat next to each other on the bottom bunk with their guitars and pen and paper. I guess they are writing songs. I have no idea where Stu is, he hasn't been with us a lot lately. I remember him at the kaiserkeller with this bird but.. oh right. He's probably with her.

A knock at the door stopped my thoughts. I looked round the room at Paul and John. They stared back at me.

"Get that George would ya?" John said. I groaned as I pulled myself out of the covers and walked over to the door. I opened the door and saw the man who owns this place stood there.  I lifted my hand to the back of my neck and asked,

"Um, can I help you?" the man held out some envelopes to me and said,

"I have some letters for you," I felt my mood brighten up right away. I smiled to myself hoping it would be Michelle, "Don't forget you're playing tonight as well. Ten o'clock don't be late," I nodded and took the letters from his hand. He gave me a long look as if he was examining me and then left. I think he suspects I'm not eighteen, I'm only seventeen. I had to tell them I was eighteen so I could get in this place. I have to keep quiet about it now. I turned around and looked at the envelopes. There was three letters, one from my Mum (thanks Mum), one from Cynthia and one from Michelle. I placed the letter from my Mum on my bed and started to inspect the letter from Michelle.

"Are there any good letters?" Paul asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, this is Michelle's and John you've got one from Cynthia," John looked up and took the letter. He opened the envelope and started to read it with a smirk on his face. Paul moved the guitar off his lap and walked over to me.

"Can read it after you?" he asked.

"Yeah sure," I know Paul likes Michelle. I'm not sure if he likes her in that way anymore but he likes her anyway.

I ripped open the envelope carefully and pulled out the pieces of paper inside. There were three pieces altogether, one for me, one for Paul John and Pete, and one for.. Stu? Why was there one especially for Stuart? I'll find out later..

I gave Paul the paper that was written for him and I started to read mine. It read:

"Dear George,

Aw I really miss you too. Please don't miss me too much though will you? I don't want you worrying about me okay? Don't feel sorry or bad about anything, I'm fine! Now just concentrate on playing amazing music! Aha, the place you're staying at doesn't sound very nice.. sorry about that. I hope you will be okay.

Nothing that interesting has happened here, just same old thing you know. But! I played at the cavern our song! You know 'something' and everyone loved it! Thank you so much for helping me with that song. It's amazing!

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