Chapter 20- Letters

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The days are lonely without George now, I will usually just play guitar or go to the cavern now. I've become more involved in music as well. I like writing songs, well more like tunes. I'm rubbish at writing lyrics. It's even lonely at the cavern. The Beatles aren't there anymore, the cavern isn't as good. I still play at the cavern, I usually play every other day now. Seeing as I don't have anything else to do.

Wow, this is harder than I thought.

George does mean a lot to me, I didn't know how much his trip to Hamburg would affect me. I still can't believe he's going to a STRIPPER club. Seriously? Six months in a stripper club? What was John thinking? The more I think about George, the more anxious I get.

What if George did find a girl better than me? What if George doesn't want me anymore? What if George stays there.. forever?

Oh shut up Michelle, I do this every time in these kind of situations. I need to stop. Nothing will probably happen anyway, like in the last times I felt like this. I'll always have that doubt in my mind though..

I'm playing my guitar at the moment, I'm using the guitar that Linda and George got me. I'm making up this tune and I scribble down notes every so often. I heard the phone start ringing. I put my guitar down and walked over to the phone quickly hoping for it to be George. I picked it up and held it to my ear,

"Hello?" I said in hope.

"Hey, it's Cynthia," my shoulders sank. I hoped to hear from one of the boys. I still haven't had a letter from them, and it had been a week since they left.

"Oh hey, you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, I called to see if you were okay?" I like how people have been caring for me lately. I'm always the one who seems most sensitive about things.

"I'm okay thank you, just a bit lonely aha," I wasn't okay though. That's what everyone says when they feel down. I need George. But I can't do anything about it, I'd just have to wait.

"Are you doing anything today?" she asked me.

"Nope, except playing at the cavern tonight but that's all really,"

"Ah, would you like to meet at the cavern tonight?" I smiled to myself.

"Yeah, sounds good! I'm going at sevenish? Is that okay?"

"Yeah! Okay I'll see you then okay? Byee,"

"Byee." I put the phone down and walked back over to my guitar. Well at least I have something to look forward to. I continued to invent new tunes. I had just made a cool guitar riff when I heard a clang. It came from the front door. It took me a while to realise what it was and then it came to me. The letter box. I ran over to the front door and saw a pile of letters on the floor. I reached down and picked them up quickly. I held the piles in my hand and flicked through each letter.

Bill, bill, for Mum, GEORGE. I grinned massively at the letter and jumped up in excitement. I chucked the other letters on the floor and ran into the living room. I flew onto the couch and layed on my front. I examined the envelope. In the corner it had "Hamburg" written with the address of where they were staying. I ripped open the envelope carefully not to damage anything inside. I pulled out two pieces of paper. One was from George and the other was from all the other lads. I like how George has his own special letter for me. I obviously read George's first, I've been waiting for this for like forever! (Well a week, but it seemed a long time) The letter read,

"Dear my Michelle,


How are you? I hope you are okay, how are you doing at the cavern? Has anything happened since we've been gone?

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