Chapter 2

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Thank you to anyone who has reached here.

. . .

Phantom- I can't fucking believe it. YOU slept for so long and had a dream of a boy you had never seen. Hmmm . . . that is sure as hell something to talk 'bout.

A- Don't change the topic . . . though I also can't believe it . . . but no Phantom tell me, when in the hell are you gonna become civilized and message me! And not chat with yourself using my id? Do u know how creepy it is to look messages appear on your side out of nowhere?

Phantom- Hey don't go on me again! You are the only person whose ID interests me, and isn't it good to show off my hacking skills? And I love myself, why not send some lovey-dovey messages to myself?

A- But promise me that you wont repeat it and this time I will surely change my ID! You asshole!

Phantom- We have been there a lot times and I repeat it. I will hack it also.

A - Phantom! I don't know why in the name of Christ, I have been chatting with you from last 7 months when you don't even tell me your name, let alone show me a picture of yourself. Isn't it usually the girls who are afraid to tell about themselves on internet?

Phantom- Yes its usually the other way around. And with you I only know of one way(my way) As to your first question you chat with me not even meeting me once because you are so in love with me . . .

A - okay I m offline now peace out.

I shut my laptop down and get out of my covers to do my Sunday chores. My subconscious is ready in her gardener suit. I start towards the lawn and groan seeing the yellow and brown leaves scattered all over the lawn looking like seashells on a seashore except they are not that pleasing to collect.

I mean, come on!

How many leaves can fall just in one week? But seeing the now-naked trees my all thoughts of complain dissolve and only thoughts of Christmas occupy my mind.

I still could not believe that there is so little time left for Christmas. I like this thing about Christmas . . . everyone busy in their own work . . . school holidays . . . no more teachers or students to smile at . . . just me, my Walkman and my Spectre baby .

I start cleaning thinking about the good times, I have a few good memories, but they are the best. Some of my greatest moments happened during Christmas, is it getting myself my Walkman or making my life's first feast for Grandma and me. According to Grandma, my parents married in Vegas on the day of Christmas.

She loves telling me how drunk they were and, after a hard time of carol singing, they had gone to some of their friends among whom they were given the dare to marry and the lovers they were, they agreed to it. As if that was not enough their own friend who was a minister had them married in a pub in Vegas of all the places. That is a fond memory of my life.

But who would have thought that the same friend of theirs would hit them drunk driving two years later?

I sigh and see the way life is.

The sun was up now and a felt a drop of sweat slip down my spine. Just as I was about to leave the leaves in the haystack near the tree, my eyes fall on a small electric copper wire, and my thoughts turn to last night's dream.

I know it was something but did that something meant anything.

People say that as we think about something it starts becoming a clear permanent set in our mind but this time it is different. The more I think about him the more I am forgetting his face.

My inner goodness still has that OMG face but my subconscious peers over her glasses and says 'That is weird you know . . . seeing the date that was yesterday-Ow!' my inner goodness kicks her but it's too late to get back. I have already gone back to November 5, 2013 and am back in the biology lab with him in the corner shrouded in complete darkness.

"She doesn't loves me Rose . . . she doesn't" he says, his eyes filled with so much hurt that, never in a million years, I thought was possible to see at once.

"No, Taylor. Look we can talk through this." I say to him. My hands open wide in cautious way, as if he was the caged animal and I was trying to calm him down.

He continues to shake his head.

" Look, she is not worth of you or-" I cut short when he brings the scalpel close to his fist and losing my calm I shout "Just put that goddamn thing down for a minute!"

He doesn't does the asked, he never will.

So I run towards him and place my hand beneath the scalpel, before he does and dark red blood starts dripping on his hand.

"Shit! Rose Shit! are you crazy?!" Taylor shouts at me dropping the scalpel and taking my favourite scarf off my neck to wrap around my, now almost blue, forearm. I smile at him.

He calls the 911 and they tell him to press the wound tightly but gently. He follows the instructions and presses it all the time telling me "Just tell me if it hurts. Kay?" I nod and smile weakly at him.

I remember trying to compare the pain in my hand to the pain that was in my heart by knowing that the only person whom I loved in my life didn't love me back and was ready to give away his life for someone else. Looking at his face made it easier to compare.

Yeah the second pain won.

. . .

I was already inside my room and had Cold Water blaring in my ears before my thoughts returned to present. It was now so common to have that feeling that it didn't affect me that much.

Just as I was about to leave to have my lunch, my Hangouts pinged and a smile drew on my face automatically.

Phantom- What's my favourite girl in the world doing right now?

I kick my shoes off, sitting on the bed Indian style I start texting him.

A- Trying to find place where there is no Phantom . . .

Phantom- Aww. . .so sorry to pop your bubble, Sweetheart. But wherever you go, you will find your Phantom waiting for you ready with an expresso with skim milk and no sugar.

My smile widened into a stupid grin.

. . .

That was a quick insight in her daily life.

Insomniac's DreamNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ