Friend's Note

114 26 28

Hey My Asterism!!

This message is for all you people.

YOU Amazing people who read my work.

YOU Amazing people who add my work to their awesome reading lists.

YOU Amazing people who comment on this newbie's story.

YOU Amazing people who follow me.

YOU Amazing people who vote on it.

YOU Amazing people who criticize me like I should be.

I don't know what happened today but I felt like I had been not saying it enough.

YOU Amazing people have made my life a hell-lot-sweeter.


Even if you are a silent reader like my own best friend there or even if you are like Diya aka @Xx_TheRainbowGirl_xX over there commenting so good that my I put a fist on my heart to lessen the ache.


I really want to thank all of you from bottom of my heart and I promise that I will make it worth you time to be with me .

Cheers and Happy Reading!!

Lots and lots of love,

*with kisses and hugs too this time*


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