Chapter 18

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Will tell you people 'bout my love for music.

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"Aladdin, talk to me!" I shout at the stupid driving me around god knows where.

I have been shouting at him from the last five minutes trying to make him talk to me, but he hasn't uttered a single word. I want to know where is he taking me, I can't go home like this I need to clean this wound or Grandma would have a coronary or worse will give me a coronary.

I still can't make out where is he taking me, its just that from last ten or so minutes we had been driving, not to mention, he has been doing it like really crazy. I didn't thought he knew the way around here but when I noticed he had put some location his mobile and had plugged in his Airpod in, so I guessed that it is the thing that is making him drive.

"If you do-" I am to say but he suddenly turns a sharp turn making me slide in my seat and hitting my shoulder into the car's frame.

They don't joke when they say that these cars are made of steel! I scream in my head.

"Fuck." I hiss lowly biting into my lip to stop cursing out loud. That is when I notice the too familiar street of Detroit East hospital. No, I am not going to a hospital.


I can't go in there again. I am about to think about my last trip to a hospital but, before I am drowned in past sins, I will myself to look at the matter on the hand first. I need to tell him to stop, I can't go inside a hospital.


"Al stop." I try to say loud but I can manage barely above a whisper.

I know he can't listen to me this time.

"Aladdin stop." I say feeling a little control over myself now. I will not go in there. Even if I die I will not go in there.

This time he ignores it.

"I said, stop the damn car." I hiss at him knowing he can clearly listen. He doesn't answers. Every other time I would have taken time to look at his features but not now. I have to snap out of it and stop him from taking me to hospital.

By now we have reached the street and now we are nearing the hospital. I have a few minutes only.

"Aladdin for fuck's sake stop!" I shout at top of my lungs.

This time he looks at me and then when I notice in his eyes. They are deadly, shouting at me in their own silence. Trying to warn me not to say a word if I want good for myself but the hell if he is gonna make me stop.

"I said stop the car" my voice is a frostbite right now.

He doesn't says anything and after looking at me for a beat or two he gets his eyes back at the road.

Just. Like. That.

'Asshole!' My inner voices scream at him, they don't want me to go in there too. They know its gonna be a trigger and it will not be good.


As we are about to turn over the enter the driveway for trauma center of the D.E. hospital, I grab the hold of his steering wheel and swerve it round making us almost smack us into the tree at the edge. The car halts with a screech, he had pulled the handbrake.

"ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY!" Al turns to me, shouting.

I am looking down all the moment, I am tired. I can't fight anymore, I can't go in there. I will rather die first then to enter those halls again alive.

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