Chapter 8

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This chapter is dedicated to the one and only HomelessPotato!

Don't play the song yet. You'll get it when to play.

. . .

"You asshole!"

I throw my hairbrush on him. He ducks it and move towards my bed.

"Ha!" He wiggles his booty mocking me.

"You fucker! How could you this to me? I was left to be tortured in hell!" I smack on his head.

"Rose that hurt!" Taylors grunts as if my blows hurt him.

"Good." Smack. "Very." Smack. "Good" I say while smacking him with my pillow.

"You." Smack. "deserve." Smack. "It." Smack. "Mr." Smack. "Taylor." Smack. "Reynold." Smack. "Jacob!" I continue hitting him until I ran out of breath.

"Are you done, Rose?" He looks at me as if he did not get any of my hits.

'He apparently did not, he is like 180 pounds! What do you think? Your 130 pound body can harm him?' my subconscious butts in.

"Yeah for now, but you are not getting away with this Reynold!" I shove my forefinger in his chest.

"I am sorry." He takes my hand and plants a kiss on my forefinger. I was once again feeling those tingles. I pull my hand back. He frowns.

"Sorry is not going to work." I was still angry with him for not showing up today and because of him, I was shoved inside of that carnival to have this Katrina Tsunami inside of my mind because of that grey-eyed idiot!

"Okay so what will? What do you want? I told you I was not in the mood to meet new people today. I was . . . not well. I thought you of all people would understand this" he says and hangs his head down trying to hide the pain. Probably remembering the pain from four years back.

He thinks he was in pain? We both lost someone who didn't love us back. He was allowed to show the pain but I was not. I was left to brew in my pain. It was the right time to let it out, but I didn't.

I was so busy to have him recover that I lost my time to recover. Everything has a time. Love has a time so does pain. Lose the moment, and you never gain it or in my case never lose it. I wanted to be selfish for once and cry my heart out for my pain but I didn't. I was so busy to wipe his tears that I never got the time to shed mine. Now I never can.

It emptied me, hollowed me.

The tears never came out, not then, not when I was alone. Not ever.

"So go and get me KitKat's." I tell him to get his mood up. He looks back at me, looking confused. He had also zoned out. I don't want to talk about that night.

"Go get your butt out and get me my KitKat then only l will talk to you," I start to push him out of room.

"Okay I will get them but please tell me that I am forgiven. I never thought that, that douchebag would give you my position. I know you wanted to spend the day in library. I am sorry. You know I will never hurt you intentionally." He whispers softly and tucks my hair lock behind my ear. I frown, what is with him today? Why is he so touchy today all of a sudden?

I clear my throat and move back.

"So have you met Stacey? She even did not know where you were. I think she must be expecting you." I get up and open the door.

He comes up to the door and I think he is going out so I start moving towards my bed. Suddenly I feel strong hands grasping my waist, I collide with his strong chest, and we start tumbling back until I hear the shutting of door. I gasp when I realise that Taylor is the one holding me back.

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