Chapter 3

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Hey. You will get to know the reason for the song at the the end of the chapter.

. . .

I lie in my bed thinking about tomorrow, I glance at the night clock and it glows, 05:30 okay so today. Today is Monday and today will be the starting of that student exchange fiesta.

Rich brats coming from Pinewood Aspen and displaying their superiority while our student will be their host.

So interesting right?

The only cool thing out of this was the bringing of new books in the school library just to impress those brats. Now finally I can read some new books. Another good thing is that since many students have volunteered for this stupid hospitality, so the school council members were not forced for the same.

'If they had been forced, then all that reports of school will be full of the scowling inhospitable Ashley Lindinbourgh' my subconscious smirks at me.

I don't know why so many volunteered, but the reason why some girls like Rebecca and her gang did, I can guess. Whole of the school was excited to see new culture, but they were all about catching a nice rich boy-toy. It would have been a sight to see her flirt with someone more rich than her.

I will not be missing any fun part of it because Taylor and Stacy both have also volunteered, so if anything interesting is happening with that freak show then, they will make sure to tell me. Till that happens, I would like to stay in library, now fully stocked with new books, and read some new classics.

'New classics?' my inner goodness rolls her eyes and takes out her dog eared copy of Fifty Shades of Grey. Now at this, I role my eyes.

Glancing at the clock I see that its 6:15 and I get up to dress.

I shovel the pancakes in my mouth and wave Grandma goodbye. Heading towards my bicycle I wave to Mrs. Donahue, she nods in my direction and I take off. Its usually a matter of minutes, you know, to reach school.

Gazing at the school parking lot, I groan at the decorations and the school band standing to welcome the freaks. I mean come on, seriously!

These students are not President or First family for God's sake!

Even my subconscious agrees with me by shaking her head in a disappointed way over her square glasses.

However what catches my attention is that all the volunteers are standing by the gates, even the late comers like Rebecca's gang but not Taylor. Teachers were standing there, among them was Mr. Houten our Disciplinary In-charge. I reach there and Mr. Houten is the first to see me.

"Ah . . . here you are Miss Lindinbourgh as you know that today is student exchange program's first day and your friend. . ." the way he says friend makes it clear, crystal clear,". . . has bailed on us, today, TODAY! Of all the days! Do you have any idea where he is? please say yes . . . please?" he pleads with me.

"I can say so but that wouldn't be true , Sir." I grimace

"Oh Jesus! That boy will be death of me! I don't know why Principal selected him for this important affair." He stomps his foot, rubbing furiously at his forehead.

"Because he is a very friendly, intelligent person and, a honourable member of school council." I say praising my cool-but-too-stupid friend.

"That he is and so are you . . . " The sudden spark in his eyes and has made me kick myself mentally and I start "No, no no . . . No Sir . . . " but he cuts me with his stupid smile, "Yes . . . Yes Ashley you, are going to take his place now."

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