Chapter 13

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This is the beginning of falling of Ashley's walls.

. . .

Have you ever been drooling over your crush because you realised he looks more delicious than Nutella? In my case, he is better than orange juice.

Yeah from the last forty-five minutes I have been staring at Al's head, because he had placed his chair in front of mine. My chair was already at the back of the class near windows.

Unlike other boys in my English literature Al has been actually paying attention to the lecture in front of us, while I have done nothing but stare at him.

Its not that I am missing my lecture. Mr. Collins is telling the necessary assignments for the rest of semester. I don't care because I had already submitted my assignments for rest of the semester last Thursday. So I don't need to give anything until I want extra credit.

The topics he had given were so lame that I had to force myself to write the essay on Tenant of Wildfell Hall. I mean come on! It was so easy and lame that it took me less than twenty-five minutes to write it. Nonetheless I am done for this semester.

Al had been taking notes but I didn't understand why. He wasn't in our school so why did he need to note the details?

'And people say that girls are impossible to understand.' My subconscious shakes her head in disbelief.

"Tomorrow you will be submitting your final papers of Wuthering Heights." Mr. Collins says winding up his lecture.

"The best paper will get extra credit." He adds looking in my direction. I grin and nod.

I can write about Wuthering Heights hundred times and still add something new to it every time. This gives me reasons to read it again and again. I start picking up my things.

"So you also wear glasses?" Al asks turning back to me.

"No shit Sherlock." I reply smirking at him.

He smirks back at me.

"So why a brat would like wear glasses? You can get lenses." I ask tilting my head to side thinking about the reason.

"Brat?" He looks at me as if I have called him alien. I shrug and nod my head willing him to continue. He shakes his head smiling.

"I like the glasses. Perks of being a reader." He shrugs.

"Same here, " I say and start getting up. He follows my suit.

"Fuck" I wince when I feel the jab at my leg. I fall back into my seat. I had forgotten about the wound.

"Ashley!" Al rushes to my side.

"I am fine." I start getting up. I feel the jab again but fist my hands and dig my nails into skin to numb the pain.

I fall with a thud to the seat again.

'What a way to impress a boy Ash' my subconscious is taunting me.

"Here," I look up to see Al extending his hand towards me. No, I can do this on my own.

I shake my head and stand again, this time I walk a few steps and then I stagger losing my footing. I wait for the crash but it never comes. Instead I feel a hand around my waist keeping my weight of my injured leg.

"Even superwoman need superman sometimes." Al smiles at me. I smile back at him and I realise that I am going fall for him and will be like death from cancer.

I will know my fate but I wouldn't be able to stop it. I will know the source, the cure but never be able to stop it. It will be a peaceful voluntary death.

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