Chapter 4

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Basically this is the starting of the story.

. . .

Okay so here we all are standing outside Pine Wood High School, in this stupid parking lot waiting for those Brats. I stare around myself at the absurdity happening around me, I mean seriously! Give us some flags, get the pom-poms and it will look like it's a damn parade.

"Oh my sweet Jesus, how long are we going to stand, waiting for them? its freezing out here!" Stacy comes to my side. Jeez this girl can't even swear?

I just shrug showing trying to hide my annoyance.

"What are you made of Ashley? steel? Don't you get this bone biting cold?" She asks me seeing me least bothered by the cold biting winds.

"Its just winds." I say to her, but the truth is that I have pushed myself so far that it now takes more than chilling winds to make me shiver. I like testing myself. What is my limit? I want to know and push it until there is no returning back. What is there to return to?

"But still . . . you must be freezing, go get your jacket." She asks me worried.

"I can't, they will be here any minute soon, and we won't want the kids to stray without our attention for long, do we?" I try to change the track of conversation.

"No a few minutes won't harm, go grab it." she counteracts.

"I forgot it at home." I lie to her and hope that she buys it and just leaves it.

"Okay but you can take mine . . . I keep an extra with me always." She says as if getting me a jacket is now the mission of her life.

I hate it.

I hate it when people don't leave you alone when you don't want them to but they are never by your side when you need them the most. Ask me about it. They never are.

"Cut it Stace, I am fine." I snap at her. I close my eyes trying to keep my calm.

"Okay" She says and I feel guilty for snapping at her when she was only worried about me.

"Stace I- " I start to apologize but at the same moment, the school bus which was sent for picking the Brats from their abode comes; and I am cut short in my apology as everyone straightens up.

As if they couldn't fuel my hatred any more towards themselves they chose to make their special entrance right now. Stupid Brats . . .

I huff in exasperation and follow others to greet them.

All teachers are here and our Principal Mrs. Jacob is their trying to cover her 'I-don't-wanna-be-here-face' with a fake smile and I am eager to tell her that she is not alone.

The bus gets in front and the doors open, everyone is holding their breath and I actually feel out of the place. First comes out the two teachers from what I have heard they are the Senior In-charges of the other branch.

Then comes Mr.Trevor Noth the main douche bag behind all this fuss, he is the In-charge of Pine Wood Academy across the States. If I could I would have strangled him to death, I had been missing my first hour of morning for this shit.

Lo-behold steps out the Brats (me and my subconscious agreed on that).

All the six students start filing out and I can see four guys and two girls.

I scoff thinking that I was correct to name these Brats because all were looking as if they stepped out from some runway. Some were even wearing sunglasses.

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