Chapter 31

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I wanted to write more but it got too long plus deadline was already dead crossed!
. . .

"Ashley?" Taylor looks at me in confusion before trying to help me get up.

My mind clears and I swat his hands away, "I can get up myself."

However, when I try my footing slips and I am about to crash again when I feel a pair of hands grab my waist from behind. Something feels familiar about these hands, the grip they have and the familiar scent that comes from behind me.


"You okay there Ashley?" I turn to the voice and I as I thought, it is Al.

But how did he reach here so quickly?

"Vampire!" My inner goodness squeals in delight.

Am I going nuts?

"Yeah, I think I hit my head again." I groan, and close my eyes when I feel the throbbing in my head.

"Again? What happened Ashley?" Taylor's voice makes me open my eyes again.

"None of your business." Al says to him but his eyes don't leave my face.

I look around to see people around us in a circle. Samuel is holding my stuff, which I had dropped.

"I am her best friend so it is my business." Taylor glares at Al.

What the fuck.

I stand up straighter and look at him.

"Oh you are my best friend?" I glare at the asshole. I am so done with him and his shit. He just cannot try to kiss me, say that it was a mistake, and then say he is my best friend.

"Ashley, I know you are mad at me but let's go somewhere else and then talk." He tries to grab my hand but I pull away.

"I am not going anywhere with you."

"Ashley listen to me, we can solve this our way, in alone not in front of these strangers." He says looking at Al and Samuel who are flanking me at both sides.

"No, you are a stranger to me now, not them."

He tries to grab my hand again but before he can, Samuel grabs his, "she said no Jacobs."

"Take yourself and your pity of a face out of here before we both get involved." Al spits at him.

"R-" Taylor looks at me and I feel my hand turn into fists.

"Get the fuck out of here Taylor." I feel Al grab my clenched fist, he eases my fingers out and entwines his with mine.

I look up at him and say him a silent thank you in my mind.

"You heard her, go." Sam jerks Taylor's hand off. Taylor looks at me one more time, sadness in his eyes before he looks once again at my two saviours and leaves.

People around us start moving out too.

I turn to Sam, "Thank you Sam." I say and I am genuinely thankful of him for helping me. It is not every day when someone comes to defend me.

"Anything for milady" he winks at me and gives me my stuff.

Just when he turns to leave, I call him, "Hey Sam,"

When he turns back, I take out a KitKat from the bag and give him.

"Thanks once again" I grin up at him.

"My pleasure Ash." He bows and taking the KitKat leaves.

I turn to Al and smile when I feel him take my hand again.

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