Chapter 19

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I may advise you People to read chapter 18 once again for taking in the plot.

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Walking down the small path, I guide Al, to follow me, to my place.

I don't know what came over me but I just had this sudden urge to take him here.

'When do you ever, have any idea what are you doing around him?' My subconscious throws at me.

I chuckle knowing its the truth. This boy makes me feel out of control, he makes me question my sanity, he takes, no rips off my mask from my face, he makes me do everything on instinct, my primal instinct.

It is as if . . . as if he is bringing out the old real me.

"If I wasn't intrigued to know about this place then I would have never allowed you to walk over here in this condition. When are we reaching there? We seriously need to treat that helluva wound." Al says pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Patience. Mr. Malik, patience." I smirk knowing he can't see me.

I duck beneath the branch, placing my hand above it, knowing the place, I am taking him, is not far away. It is there, I can feel it. I know it is there, waiting for me to go there.

Sometimes I feel like we are alike. It is something weird to say, but again when do, I say sensible things?

This place feels like me. Abandoned long ago, waiting for the only one knowing the truth about it. There it is.

My place.

"Here we are." I say softly. Knowing Al is right behind me, hot on my trail. I feel his feet come to a stop exactly three steps away from mine. I know he is looking around.

There is nothing special about this place, if there had been then there would have been no need to abandon it. I think is the silence it has to offer to its few known that makes it this soothing.

Looking over the small clearing in front are the trees and ahead them are a few broken benches, which could not be pulled off the ground, on the other side of the clearing is the lake.

This lake. This lake is the reason for this place to close down. Years back, a body of man's floating on it was found. He took his life over here, claiming that he didn't had anything in his life to live for.

He was stupid. How could he not see the beautiful place around him offering him its beauty?

I walk towards the trees knowing well enough my destination.

I reach the tree and run my hands over the carving.



I feel my hand going over the rugged carving.

I know for a point that my parents were not carpenters but I also know that no carving in the world will ever compare to . . . this . . . for me.

Even on the best wood in the world, with the best carpenters and best tools, my parents work on this old tree with a pointy stone is the best for me.

It is the most beautiful one and will always will be. These words here are the proof that my parents loved me. I know it sounds rather obnoxious that a simple carving on a tree means that someone loves you.

But I don't see it that way. I see the eternal love they had for me. They wanted to tell the world of their love for me as people know of mother nature

Insomniac's DreamTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon