Chapter 27

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Some of you may hate Phantom after this.

. . .

I enter the house, my breathing ragged somehow. I think that the hit I got earlier is messing with my head. I really want to go and relax, maybe pop some sleeping pills but I have a more raging matter at hand.


"Hey Rose, you call that boy before he blows up the machine." Grandma shouts as she opens the living room door where our landline is there. I know its old fashioned but I do not like keeping a constant beeping device with me and Grandma insisted on it when I declined to idea of mobile.

Now many of you may think that if Phantom's know my phone number then why he does not calls, it's because I don't like it. I don't like holding the phone to my ear for hours, because that is how long we talk.

"Hi Mrs Stoneheart, it's me Phantom again, can you ask Rose to contact me as a soon as possible? I actually just want to check on her. Yeah thanks."

"Hey did you meet Rose? Is she fine?"

"Is she fine? I hope she is not hurt, right?"

"Can you please keep me updated?"

"Please tell me whenever you meet her; I just want to know if she is fine. . . '

The more the voicemails come, more his tone gravitates from upset to irritation to worried.

I decide that calling Phantom with Grandma around will not be pleasant, I know that it is going to be an argument and I don't want to drag Grandma into it.

"I will talk to him after fixing something." I say and drop my bag on the kitchen counter to get some orange juice for myself.


The moment I put some omelette mixture in to the pan to make some Spanish omelette and bread, the phone rings again. The phone rings and I let it ring. I let it go.

Grandma doesn't say anything but just looks up from her own mobile.

'Rose pick up the phone, he will go nuts in a few more minutes,' my subconscious asks me to.

He will hate me. He will hate me for doing this again.

I broke my promise; I did something he asked me not to. Phantom never asked me of many things. He just asked me to keep myself safe until he comes but I didn't. I risked myself again.

The phone rings and after beep voicemail starts,

'Rose, please call me. Please . . .' I gasp when I hear the emotion in it.

Is he . . .

No, he can't!

I let the spatula rattle in the pan and I dash to the phone. I hastily put it to my ear, to hear the dreaded voice of him breaking.

"Phantom! Hey, hey! I am fine! Please, please don't cry!" I cry in the phone.

What have I done? I have put him here, in this condition.

Why do I do this to him?

Hearing him with his voice breaking was like having a knife cut from inside. Phantom is everything to me and the voice of him to be breaking was like a siren call.

People say that on the gates of hell, we hear the sound we dread the most. They say that it is the sound which makes you rush into the gates so that you can escape the sound.

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