Chapter 22

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Why do pizza has to come to an end! I just ate my last piece of the leftover ones!

.   .   .

He did not kiss me like this!

Please someone confirm this. It couldn't be true. He could not have kissed me like  . . . this!

These were my first thoughts when I had seen myself after entering the house and before entering the bath. I think if Grandma had seen me like that she would have kicked me out of the house thinking of me as an imposter.

My hair that was once in a little bit messed braid, because of the quickness of the motion of braiding it, was now in a completely messed state, all over my face, spillling out of the braid. My favorite Grey sweatshirt had been muddy and actually looked repelling. My charcoal jeans were now wasted for good. One side of it, on my injured leg, is cut down from knee top and the other was still touching my ankle. My injured knee is covered with the gauge I did it with and surprisingly looked like it was handled by a nurse. I silently pat myself for that. I finally understand people taking secong glances at me in KFC.

My face . . . it was flushed beyond point.

My eyes were just too big for my face and were . . . shining. My cheeks were flushed with color, as if someone had applied the best Yves Saint Laurent blush over it. My lips were red, not pink, but red.

Like red red. My whole face was looking unusual and irrespective of the my gaping mouth, there was a smile underlaying.

The smile which showed that I had the first real kiss of my life and by some bizzarre reason I have come to like the smile on my face a lot.

This was way better than the first time on the tree.

'Because this time you kissed him back!' My inner goodness is still in awe of it and hasn't managed to move an inch from her couch.

Who am I kidding? I am still in awe of the moment. In awe of that kiss. In awe of Aladdin Malik.

Sighing I shift my attention to my leather bound old diary lying beside me on the edge of tub. I open the page, I am working on.

Maddie-to show likeness for her best friend- Adam

So what ideas could be there huh?

It can be a treasure hunt for all their special spots.

A cupcake batch of his choice with messages inside.

An album of their transformation together as friends to so much closer.

It all comes down to what they share the most or do the most.

Guess we will finalise it tomorrow in the cafe only.

I settle back in and close my eyes for a moment, but the oven's timer wakes me up.

I get up and dry off putting on my sweats and head to the kitchen with my hair wet and open.

Today I am making my orange and thyme infused chicken breast. Its not something I make on a weekday but since I am off tomorrow, why not ?

Taking the golden chicken breast out of the oven, I slice it through to see the juices oozing out and the chicken falling apart at the least of pressure.

'Perfecto!' My subconscious and inner goodness are holding out cards for me, with 10 written on them.

I put the chicken to rest and meanwhile decide to talk to Phantom, seems like a long day to me.

Insomniac's DreamOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant