Chapter 32

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Fun Fact about Author- She is a dumbass.

Hey, so this cover were sent to me by one of the followers @piscesperfectionist before break and I forgot.

She did it really good.

.   .  .

I am sitting on the gym stands looking at others play dodgeball. It is the class before break, the gym is filled with laughter and cheering. Since I was injured too many times this week, I asked to be excused from the game.

So here, I am waiting for to bell to ring. I watch Mia playing on the team opposite to James. I have noticed something in the Brats routine. It is very rare for any Brat to take class without any other Brat. Aside from Al, I have not seen any other Brat alone in any class.

When the game started it made sense why they did it, no one wanted to get friendly with the Brats, they were cautious around them; but the moment Mia squealed missing the throw by James, everyone started laughing, the barriers dissolved just like that. Instead of keeping themselves busy with known people, they are trying to make friends.

I sigh and straddling the bench, lie down.

I her another boo but I do not turn around to see who is hit. I close my eyes and try to relax.

I feel someone sit just beside my head. I know it's Taylor because of the way he pants and jiggles his left leg. It has been his annoying reflex to increased heart rate.

I feel his gaze on my face but don't open my eyes.

"Rose, talk to me." He breathes. His breath a warm gush over my face in the cold gym.

"What is there to say? You tried to cheat on your girlfriend with your best friend. Do you even realise how fucked up that sounds?" I don't bother opening my eyes.

"I am sorry Rose, I don't know what came over me, I just needed to be comforted by my best friend and things got too far. I forgot that you never thought of me like that."

Never thought of you like that.

Holy shit.

My eyes open suddenly and I sit straighter turning to face him. His brows lift up in confusion of the sudden action. His eyes showing that he is telling the truth. This Taylor is my friend from childhood, the one who forever cared for me. He is still the same Taylor. Just because he did one wrong thing, he doesn't changes.

He never knew that I liked him, even loved him once. How could he have realised what his actions did to me? What he did was a common mistake done by many people. That is why he said sorry.

Maybe if he had known what I had felt for him he wouldn't have tried to play with my feelings like that. How could I hate him for hurting my feelings, which he never knew about?

'What an idiot you are!' my subconscious tries to blame me.

I shake my head to clear it and start speaking, "I am sorry Taylor. I over reacted I guess. I just . . . "

My God, what was wrong with me . . .?

"Hey, hey it's not just your fault Rose, its mine too. I am sorry what happened with Stacey too. I never knew she could do something like that. Guess she was another deceptive one." He mumbles.

"No, I am really sorry. I don't know for what not, kicking you out, slapping you, threatening you . . .  I am really sorry." I groan and put my head in my hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2019 ⏰

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