Chapter 5

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Here you go. An early update.

. . .

My mouth is open gaping at him. You know how in the end of Disney's Inside Out there is a fire in the boys brain for trying to converse with the girl who said Hi? That was happening with me right now.

How could this be possible . . .

"Ashley why don't you close your mouth or would you like me to do it?" I revert back at his comment and seeing the proximity between two of us. He has moved closer and his lips were now near my ear. His breath was warm and the smell of orange juice was lingering in his breath. My usual reaction to such proximity is to kick in the groin but I couldn't move.

I shake my head and try to get my hand released from his grasp but it seems to have the opposite effect, he tightens the grip.

I look up to him to find him smirking. I scowl at him, "what the fuck?" I try to mutter but I think it comes out aloud because George snaps his head in my direction.

"Its Al, the ultimate one." My attention got caught by the words spoken by the fine specimen of God's creation by my side.

He playfully smirks in my direction probably seeing my widened eyes, before leaving my side and going to other Brats.

I am definitely hallucinating. Right?

Right, how can a person step out of a dream? There must be some kind of short circuiting happening in my brain. Same people can have same jaw cut and same brownish blonde locks and same long nose and same Payne grey eyes. Right?

'Stop being absurd Ashley!' my inner voices yell at me. Okay maybe I am trying too hard to make it seem impossible.

Am I?

I hear the bell for second hour go and I try to regain my composure as I look out for Stace. She must have already left for she has sociology for second. I sigh and move to my locker. Taking out my books I head to the class. As I enter the class, I see George's seat empty then I remember that he was supposed to give the tour this hour. I look around and I hear the people talking about the Brats. I mean what the hell? They should go and get themselves a life.

Our teacher enters and the class drops in silence.

My mind starts reeling back to the morning fiasco. What was wrong with me? I had a dream, which was a big change in itself because first I don't sleep and second if I do it's the nightmares coming back to me and that is something not worth talking about.

Next in the dream, I was dancing with a boy who was not Taylor? I mean its only a vague memory but the only boy with whom I have ever danced with was not Taylor. I have never danced before ever. Especially not the slow kind.

The weirdest part I kissed him! How can I kiss a person whom I had never met? That dream was too surreal to be true but seeing him today made me feel some weird out of the place sensation in my body. What was it?

"Ms Lindinbourgh would you like tell who said the quote 'Love me or hate me, both are in my favour. If you love me, I'll always be in your heart. If you hate I'll always be on your mind'?" Mr Collins gets my attention.

"Shakespeare Sir, William Shakespeare."

The day passes and suddenly it is the bell for fourth period ringing. I get to the library as quickly as possible and make note to self.

No staring into His eyes.

"What is with His? He has a very beautiful name "Al"!' my inner goodness prods in. I reach the library, noticing that the period started ten minutes but they are still not here.

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