Chapter 12

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Thank you so much My Asterism! You should know that I love y'all.

. . .

Pancakes are what I will be making today.

My special pancakes with cocoa powder, caramel sauce and my favourite hazel nuts!

'Well, I don't think your specials will help in my diet pla-' my subconscious butts in but my inner goodness is already on work. She has duct taped the devil and has thrown her into the closet.

That is why I love my inner goodness.

'Yeah no one messes with our pancakes!' She puts her fists up in the air. She is ready with her apron and Walkman.

I am happy today. That is why I am getting my pancakes, and the fact that there is still an hour to my school, helps.

I am so happy that I may even have ice cream.

'Yeah! I-scream-you-scream-we-both-scream-for-ice-cream!' My inner goodness is also in agreement with my last night plans so we both are enjoying today.

So yeah I am going eat ice cream and that too my favourite Shameless Vanilla.

No offence, I like all flavours but vanilla? There is nothing better than vanilla flavour be it in ice cream or . . . you know.

I put Laura Welsh's Undiscovered on and start making the batter.

God . . . these lyrics make me feel something that is definitely not subtle for a seventeen year old.

Last night was good. I didn't sleep but I didn't feel tired. Which is quite an unusual one.

Last night I was awake not because I am an insomniac but because yesterday I had my first kiss.

Yeah, I was finally thinking about my first kiss.

I was reluctant at first about it, thinking maybe I was way too much into it. Maybe he just thought it as a friendly thing?

However, if he has kissed me, then I need to do something. I can't be just like those girls who wait for the boy to make the next move.

Therefore, I made the analysis of my life and I have made some conclusions.


I need some change in my life. I am getting bored. I would have loved to spend the days at home surfing on net but no, I don't want that kind of 'adventure', I want to have fun.


I am free. After all the shit that has gone down with Taylor, I am free from him and the so-called 'attraction' I felt towards him. I know that sometime we will get back together but that sometime can wait for now. Right now, I want to stay away from him and my fucked up past. I can't change it because it has now become a part of me but still I can try to take a break from it.


There is a really hot boy in my school that will be here only for fifteen days and by some miracle, he has been flirting with me and has already kissed me.

The big news? I want to flirt back too. This is the boy I will not be seeing ever again after fifteen days, so why not make the best of situation?


Phantom will be coming at New Year's Eve. Actually, he wanted to celebrate the New Year with me so he will be coming here on 31 December. I would have asked if his family would mind but I knew that he didn't had any other family except for his foster home. When he will come, I will be too busy with him provided he doesn't runs away after seeing me.

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