Chapter 9

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God I am just so damn happy right now! This is my treat for all the comments and votes and reads!

This is how Ashley's sleepless nights pass.

. . .

I am lying in the bed and its 1:30 of night. I am thinking about the day. So much has happened today. I start making a mental list about the today's events,

1. I saw the boy who kissed me in my sleep and I talked to him.

2. Taylor said he liked me and I threw him out; something which I should have done years back.

3. Phantom is coming to meet me.

Phantom is really coming to meet me!


I don't know what I felt when I read it but I will be damned if I didn't say it was definitely a heterogeneous mixture of excitement, anxiety, nervousness and most importantly blankness.

I mean finally, there will be a face to the name I think about every day and night. Finally, I will be able to see my only friend, my best friend.

However, what if he doesn't likes me?

'We know him he doesn't goes on outer beauty' my inner goodness smiles, she loves Phantom.

However, my type of face and hair can change even saint's character also. My long and dirty brown hair in waves is not something I am so not proud of, they disgust me. It is as if they don't want to stay in my ponytail or plait or even a bun! By the way, who likes a spectacles wearing person?

However, what was on top of my mind that deep down there was part of me who never wanted to see him let alone meet him. What I mean to say, is that earlier I used to ask him for his photos or even a real name, but no he declined them. Me asking, him declining, the same cycle all the time. It was as if a routine had been made up. After one month, I stopped it because I realized that both of us were stubborn and going on, as this will only mean wasting the precious time we had to talk so I let it go. As time passed, I realized that I am afraid to see him in person.

I know it sounds like shit, but that is the truth. What if he lied to me? Meeting in person will be looking in his eyes and I don't know how will I react when I don't find in his eyes what I imagined to be filled with? What if he was a con?

'Didn't we thought about this when you started talking to him?' my subconscious remarks.

Yes, of course, I knew and that is why I thought it was for best that I never saw him. I always think that if I never saw him that it will be for the best because then there will be no pain to endure if all of it was a façade.

Because how could I blame a person who did not had a face? If he ever left me, which was inevitable, then I could dream it all away right?

'Provided you sleep to dream it.' comes from back of my head.

Dream. I used to have dreams when I was a normal kid, when I wasn't tangled in this loophole of 'love' more like infatuation now. It stopped four years back.

But I did dream few days back. It was because of Al.

'If dreaming of him could make you sleep and dream, then what would happen if he sleeps beside you?' my inner goodness questions it.

I am stunned. Partially because of the way, my inner mind thinks about it and partially because of the possibility.

Its four thirty now so I still have a few hours. I get out of the covers and check my mail if I have any other orders. I quickly download the song Phantom gave me and put it on my Walkman. I take it, get out, and go for a ride on my bicycle to the nearest neighbourhood where no one recognises me. That is the thing about a city like Detroit, it is so big you can get lost yet be the same neighbourhood.

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