Chapter 6

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"So, we have only ten minutes or so left till the break. We would have to cut the tour a little short, but don't worry even we don't use the lab much now." We are now in the lab, which is empty.

"Why is that?" Liam questions me with a frown.

"Actually our school has made sure that only 'educational' websites are logged in." I tell him and they nod their heads in knowledge.

"So ask someone to do it." Mia says.


Sam responds," In our school all computers face the same problem so the master hacker here," he points to Al "has defiled the computers and now we all can use school Wi-Fi to check our Twitter " he completes with a grin.

Al mock bows at his name and I am shocked to believe someone at this age can do this much of hacking.

'Phantom also hacks your I.D every time remember?' my subconscious reminds me.

"So I guess your school lacks smart kids, right?" Sophie snickers in my direction.

"No, Miss Stellar our school lacks in indiscipline. I know a hacker myself who does annoying yet very amazing stuff." I say to the irritating bitch.

"Why you are calling me Miss Stellar. Oh right waitresses also address me like that. Keep practicing maybe you will get a tip next time."

What is this girl's problem? Why so bitchy?

"Sophie!" Mia tries to stop her.

"You seem to know how to get nice tips, would you teach me?" I say to her scowling face.

"Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit." She tells me glaring in my direction.

"But it is the highest form of intelligence." That shuts the bitch up.

I hear Sam guffawing, Mia and Liam are smiling. Al . . . well he is defining LOL right now.

He looks cute while laughing.

Hey! Where did that come from?

"So if you people are done here can we go to the cafeteria?" I ask everyone and when they nod we all move out together. I hear Al, " you . . . are something else Ashley."

I try not to react at that comment and keep walking but my smile betrays me.

We enter the cafeteria and I see that we are not the firsts to come. Already many are settled and I try to look for Stacy. She sits on our table with George. They are presumably waiting for us.

"Hey" I call out to them and both of them smile.

"Hey guys, I know you have already met Ash and me, so here is Stacey she will be your guide after this hour." George makes the introductions.

"Hi!" Stace greets them in her usual chirpy voice.

They exchange a few hellos and hi. As they begin to sit in Samuel gets the seat by Stace and starts his flirting.

" I wish you would stop smiling, I value my breath too much," he tries to take her hand.

"Uh . . .Ash?" Stace shoots me a help-me-here look.

I go over to them and put my hand on Sam's shoulder, giving it a sympathetic squeeze.

"Sorry Sammy boy, but she is already taken." I try to sound sad but end up smirking in his face.

" no offence, but you really are pretty." He backs away and holds up his hand in defence.

"So why don't we get the lunch?" I ask them.

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