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" dad he didn't, he moved a week ago," I let out with a sad smile and a sigh. My dad's eyes lit up instantly, "thank god," he breathed and hugged me again, this time with more force than last time's hug. He didn't say anything, he just squeezed me tighter while my hands lay limp on my sides. My dad moved away from me to look me in the eyes and I saw the perfect reflection of sadness and care and love for his son. I looked at my family and I saw pity along with slight anger on their melancholy faces. They felt bad. For me. I didn't want it. I rushed upstairs just as tears started blotting my vision. I slowly opened my room door and clicked it softly closed, locked.

I slipped into my sheets and cuddled a pillow and fell asleep, crying.

Screams.... I hear screams. Wait, is that my voice? I see myself...I look grotesque, horrid and manic. My eyes were wide, pupils dilated screaming and hollering. Tied onto a cool metal pole that sent shockwaves up and down my shirtless spine. I am the nightmare that I am that's not right, it can't be, I see him smiling sickly sweet at my distressed self. How did I ever love him? When did my angel disappear to be replaced by this monster before my eyes, his eyes, dark pools of blue staging pure malice. This is not Tyler. I cried more, I writhed, I pulled at the rope enclosed around my wrists, nothing fucking helped me. He came closer to me and I held my breath and let out a guttural cry as I felt a gentle hand shaking me from my stupor.

I opened my eyes to see the worried face of my sister hugging me sideways on my bed. The keys around her waist clinking, creating a sweet sound, she used my room keys to open my locked door, I realised. I didn't say anything I just sat up and hugged her properly and silently sobbed onto her shoulder, my tears soaked her cashmere sweater. She didn't seem to mind. She palmed my cheek and gave me a soft peck on my forehead, I leaned into it. "Mom wants you down for dinner, you can go back to sleep after eating or you'll lose those already shaggy muscles you have," she got off the bed laughing...she knew what was coming. I got off with a smirk adorning my tear stained face and wiggled my fingers and lunged forward, tickling her. Her laughs and chuckles radiated my lonely room.

She climbed onto my back –yes we were those siblings- and I raced downstairs carrying her weight with me. I put her down on a chair and kissed her cheek and sat down myself. The wafts of my mom's amazing cooking filled my nostrils happy. My dad was reading some fat book but kept it down just as my mom walked into the dining room holding our food in her hands. Spaghetti and meatballs! Yum.

I was the first one to dig in to the Italian see, my mom is half Italian, she has pale skin, brown-black eyes and is a brunette with a petite body while my dad towered over her, muscled, tanned and blonde as hell. They knew to give me my space and didn't bring up the previous topic. I've had a rough past but I didn't give up on living. I thrived to be happy with my family and live a normal teenage life...well as much normal as possible.

We talked merrily. My parents droned about how annoying it is that they can't stay with us and for worse they can't see each other either. I really do have the ideal family...too bad the storm clouds decided to rain on my parade. I cleaned off my plate, thanked my mom, said good night and dashed upstairs and closed my door.

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