Because He Deserves It.

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(A/N - My beautiful ghost readers!!! This crappy chapter is for y'all)

My eyes were glazed over as everything came rushing back to me. My nightmare of an abusive ex was right in front of me, smirking sinisterly, his eyes screaming bloody murder at me as crimson liquid dripped from his chin onto the glimmering white tiles of the school corridor.

He's a monster. A livid nightmare.

I heard thrashing and howling, his sneakers screeching against the tiles as he got dragged away by Dylan.

I didn't realize I was numb and unmoving until Karson was shaking me out of my frightful daze. I gazed at his pretty green eyes, my eyes filled with unshed tears, seeking warmth from him. He sighed sadly at my downcast eyes. He pressed a chaste, comforting kiss on my forehead until arms wrapped around me, engulfing me in warmth and safety. 

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I broke down onto his shoulder, wetting his shirt in the process as I clawed at his back, afraid he'd let me go because I was weak and helpless and traumatized.

Abusive boyfriends are something that is really hard to get over. You love and cherish someone with all your heart, your life revolves around that one person, your very first love...only for them to break your heart into a million pieces without letting it heal as they continue to put salt over your wounds, throwing insults, insinuating on things you didn't want to partake in, forcing you to do things he wanted and last of all... the worst possible part, when they hit you for the first time and you feel your whole resolve crumble. Knowing he didn't love you anymore...

"He broke me Karson, inside and out." I mumbled into his shirt. "You don't deserve to be dragged into this mess. Leave right now before I get attached because I know you will get sick and leave." I heaved, trying to compose myself. He only hugged me tighter as a response.

 "Shh, Kay I'm not going anywhere. Okay?" He pulled away and looked me in the eyes, his eyes exuding unsaid promises. "You are my biggest priority right now, alright?" I nodded weakly. "How about we both go out today? Get your mind off of things. I hate seeing you like this. I'll make it special." He smiled down at me. I could really use the distraction so I nodded and said, "yeah, okay". Right then, I sneezed. It was a weird thing of mine... when I cried I sneeze quite often. Karson only chuckled and pulled me flush back into himself.

"I don't think we can stay in school after that whole shit ordeal. Wanna scram?" He asked me, his eyes glinting mischief. I nodded meekly again. 

He's trying really hard for me to give him some form of reaction, I can sense by the way he's pretending to not want to follow Dylan and bash Tyler's head in. Karson had a really bad temper and probably a thirst for revenge for what Tyler did to me, judging by the way his eyes dilated and he looked similar to a predator awaiting to sink its teeth into its prey and rip out its organs animalistically.

I leaned into him for support and tossed him my keys. He opened my car door for me and let me climb in and secured the door closed before he walked around it and got into the driver's seat. My car roared to life and Karson sped off, of course, not as fast as me.

 My thoughts kept drifting back to Tyler and how loving he was before he turned into the monster that will haunt me for the rest of my life. 

I felt Karson hand on my knee, drawing soothing circles on it. "He's not worth it babe." He pulled the car over and turned to me, giving me his undivided attention. "Please just forget it for now, I know he hurt you, so, so much, and he won't know what hit him when I'm through with the bastard but I detest seeing your cheery self so dejected. I will bring you justice, I promise you, and I will have him out of your life. So please can I see those pearly whites now?" He smiled sadly at me.

I nodded again and smiled a sad smile. "I know you are sad and scared right now, but you are trying. I know you are. You are so brave to be able to even look that asshole in the eyes. I will help you feel more secure and you yourself will have to go to him and face him, punch him and yell at him. Tell him how much he affected you. That's the only way you will get over him and his abusive ass, alright love?"

"Okay Karson." He reached over for me and pulled me over onto his lap and hugged me tight, kissing my neck occasionally. I clung to him like a lifeline. 

I'm so lucky to have him.

He drove us to my place and told me to be ready by 5. He had given me a meaningful, lingering kiss and left saying he had a lot to do. I chuckled at that. It was still 1pm and I had a lot of time to kill. I wasn't planning on wallowing in my self pity. I needed to face him, I've spent too long living under pain from the past. I took out the damn box, my first step at getting over him.

 I had to move on. For Karson, I had to move on.

Because he deserved it.

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