Never Thought

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We were currently sitting in My Old Dutch, the aroma of everything nice and good surrounding us. I was so close to being in heaven if my head wasn't so worried about Karson and his foreboding actions.

He was biting his plump lips, messing them up. I wanted to tell him to stop because anytime soon he'd be drawing blood. He was also fiddling with his hands and shaking his legs simultaneously. And like I had been doing the whole day today, I distracted him.

I moved my chair so that I was peripheral to him and kissed his cheek. Which made him turn his head towards me and smile and before he said anything I caught his lips in another gentle kiss. He inhaled sharply and one of his large hands came up to bury itself smoothly in my hair.

I know, I know. PDA isn't really sweet. But Karson was feeling so horrible, I didn't know what else to do so I did what I did best.

A cough made us break apart. The old waitress was beaming down at us. I blushed a little, that was embarrassing.

"Your orders loves." She said and placed our heavenly waffles and pancakes. "Thank you ma'am," said Karson because I was too shy to speak now apparently. She nod her head at us and was on her way. Karson turned to me and smiled again. Which made me smile back. God, I never thought I'd end up like this, so in love with this boy that I can't not smile when he flashes his upturned lips at me.

I never thought that I'd be so in love with someone that I absolutely cannot imagine life without him there to fulfill every single moment of it. It just hit me that I can't live without him anymore. I'm far too gone for him. I'm a goner for Karson Hill and I've never been happier.

"Shall we?" He asked. I just smiled even wider, so much so that my nose scrunched up and tuned back to my plate before digging into my waffle, and him his pancakes. 

I moaned.

What? I'm a sucker for food... Isn't everyone? 

Karson's cheeks reddened due to the sound but laughed nonetheless. And extended his fork to me which was loaded with pancakes. I held up a finger indicating for him to wait until I munch what I have in my mouth down. Then, proceeded to open my mouth and eat the pancakes while he grinned at me for my actions.

We fooled around in town for a while before we started driving to the prison and the air became grim and thick again. No more tomfoolery was going to calm my boy and I was very much aware of his nervousness.

We arrived to the prison in about half an hour. We got out of the car and walked towards an official. We asked where we could visit prisoners and he pointed to a building on the far left corner. When we got there another official asked who we were, who we wanted to see and how we were related to him. He recorded everything in a computer.

"Only one of you can go." He revealed. Damn. Who's going to console him when he's crying or hurt, who's going to back him up? 

"Is there absolutely no way I can go with him, please?" I begged and the officer just pursed his lips again and said "no we cannot allow that".

Karson nodded and turned to me. "I'll be fine love." He whispered and leaned down to kiss my forehead. I watched him as he walked inside.

I sat on one of the chairs set in the corner and waited. 

And waited.

About twenty minutes later Karson walked out. He was crying. I immediately ran to his side. I guided him to the set of chairs and sat him down, and leaned him so that he was giving all his weight onto me. I caressed his hair before he started calming down and turned to face me. His eyes were so bloodshot. I hated seeing him like this.

"What happened love? I whispered, my voice cracking. He took a minute to respond. "He's a horrible person Kay. He doesn't love mum. He doesn't love my sister. He couldn't even remember me until I mentioned my mother. He's a fucking drunkard and a drug addict Kay. He's a fucking drug addict. He looks fucking horrible too." He said, heaving and hiccuping after every sentence. 

He looked angry.

And I understood.

He sounds horrific and I'm sad that Karson had to face him. But now at least he can face reality and not have any expectations out of his deadbeat dad. It's for his own good. He made a good decision.

"Let's get you home. I'm thinking you don't wanna go back to you house? Sam's not home today. Do you want to go to mine instead?" I asked and he nodded.

I took the car keys from him, even though he insisted that he was good enough to drive. I told him to get some sleep and I'd drive him, no problem.

It was dark and it was raining cats and dogs in London, no surprise there.

I was taking in a turn when all of a sudden the car was spinning and my ears were filling with Karson's screams.

Everything was a blur.

The last thing I saw was his bloody face before I blacked out.

( A/N - First off... I'm sorry don't kill me. Second, I dont really know how prisons work so I'm sorry if the details are wrong. Love you all <3 )

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