Smirks and a wink?

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The school's shrill bell shook me from my deep train of thoughts. I gathered my things and stuffed them into my backpack. Dylan was on tow. We silently walked to the cafeteria, I kept my head down.

I'm not the most social person. Dylan on the other hand, was a social butterfly. He talked with everyone, charmed every girl with his pearly whites on show, wearing something fitting his muscular form. Dylan would be a nice catch but he's as straight as a stick and we are way too close to like each other in that way. Okay now that I think about it, it's gross that I even thought that.

I heard Conner laughing at something that Dylan said, making me realise the fact that he was here. I walked to the counter with a tray in hand when I noticed the supposedly nice girl from Chemistry class. "Hey," I voiced. Her head whipped to see me, her pony tail bobbing back and forth. She looked surprised by my sudden greeting...I guess that's no surprise as I never really talked to a lot of people and she probably noticed this.

"Hey, what's up? Kayden right? I'm Mikayla but you can call me Kayla." She spoke with scary precision and practice. It seemed as if it just flowed out like honey. She possessed a rather deep voice, deep yet sweet. I like this girl, I decided. She had her hand outreached for me to shake, I realised I was zoning out and didn't shake her hand. I noticed her disappointed look, her hand slowly moving back to her side but before she could, I took her hand and shook it. She smiled. She had a firm grip and a kind smile, definitely friend material, I thought.

I smiled and said, "yeah, that's me...have you come here for a long time?" "No, I moved last month from Denver actually." Oh, now that makes more sense. "Oh, right. No wonder I never saw you before." She blushed and let out a small chuckle. Just then I saw a guy walking towards where I was standing. He looked like the reflection of trouble and fuckboy. He exuded virility with his lips pulled into a smirk, his jet black hair pulled into a small bun at the back of his head and donned in all black clothes. He saw me looking and his smirk seemed to deepen. Ugh, boys like this drove me mad to no end. They think they are some big shot that can pull all the ladies in along with some guys on the way.

I'm not planning to be one of those guys, I determined.

I looked back at Kayla and saw her gawking, similar to all the other girls in the room. I simply turned around to the counter and smiled at the lady who served me, said thank you and settled my butt on the not-so-comfy chairs in the cafeteria and started eating. I noticed Conner and Dylan geeking out about Marvel and reporting how good Black Panther was to each other. I decided to join in on the conversation as I too was a huge nerd when it came to super heroes.

I was talking about how cool his suit was when I felt a heated glare on my shoulders, you know, that weird feeling you get when you know someone's watching you. I turned my head around to see Greek God staring at me, a smirk adorning his pale pink lips. Why does this guy have to smirk all the time and look so good while doing it? No! No, this is not happening Kayden, get your shit together, you are not into him. I realised I was staring when his smirk was set deeper than before. I blushed but I stared right back at him, I didn't want him to think I was weak because I know I'm far from it. Besides, he started it. He winked and turned his head away. Wait what? Did he just wink at me? Holy fuck!

I decided to let it slip. I turned my line of sight towards my food, rolled my eyes and started munching on my carrots. Damn him, damn this healthy food and damn me for blushing. I saw the confused faces of my best friends and rolled my eyes at them again while chewing angrily. Fuck him, he's no different.

The Sad Behind The Smirk (BxB)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя