Questions, Questions, so many Questions

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I was genuinely zoning out at the dining table. Dylan came over to play video games since he wouldn't take no for an answer. "Yo," came a voice along with frantic hands way too close my face, bringing me out of my reverie. "What?" I snapped. Yeah, yeah I know. Poor Dylan. Well boohoo. If he's my best friend he's going to have to live with my mood swings, besides I was thinking about something important...whether I should or should not contact Karson. I wanted to keep my dignity and be a cocky asshole with a huge ego but I also wanted to tear down his walls, see the real him and I wouldn't be able to if I did the former.

"Oh my god! Bro are you even occupying this earth right now? I feel like you are lost in some unknown universe. You've been off these past few days. Do you wanna talk about it?" I know what you are thinking, just tell him, he's your best friend, but it doesn't work that way. I'm a guy, being gay doesn't change the fact that I am a man and I can't just spill my heart out to my best friend who happens to be a guy and straight. He won't get it and it'll be hella awkward for me, so instead, I reply with, "Nah bro, just some stuff that I've been dealing with, I'll tell you later." Nice thing about Dylan is that he never pries. He minds his business, but he's always there when you need him. He's a good guy.

After a few hours Dylan had to leave because he had an assignment due tomorrow. I came down from my room to get me some milk and was just about to dash back up when I heard the doorbell ring. That's weird, who could it be? I went over to the door and opened it. Who I saw outside made me drop my jaw. My eyes came to view the godly figure of Karson. What. The. Hell?! "You said that out loud." He said, the words flowing out ever-so-sweetly and adorned with a smirk. Ugh. "You said that out loud too." This time my face went beet red. And I very coherently and intelligibly went, "uuhhhh whaaatrudoinhere." Remind me to smack myself upside the head later kay? I proceeded to clear my throat and said, "Um sorry. What are you doing here? Most importantly, how the fuck do you know where I live you creep?" He lets out a chuckle. Ugh so cute yet so annoying that I want to peck him in the check while smacking his head with my hand...How does that even happen? What is happening to my intelligent brain? Does this guy have some hand in this sorcery? CAN SOMEBODY EXPLAIN TO ME WHY I'M GOING MAD?!?!?!

I lost my internal train of thought when he replied to my question with, "you left your notebook at art class and Mrs. Higgins found me and told me to give it to you. The address was written in the back." How does one sound so hot while saying something completely normal? Focus Kayden! "Oh, well in that case, thanks for returning it to me and sorry for calling you a creep." I said sheepishly. He found my guilty expression something to laugh about and you guessed it ... he laughed. That's the first time I heard him laugh and boy, should he do it more. His infectious laugh had me smiling and we were both broken out of our reveries when we heard an 'ahem'. I turned back to see Sam.

"Oh, hey Sam. This is Karson, he was here to return me my notebook." She smiled ever so politely and came forth offering her hand to Karson and said, "Hi Karson, I'm Samantha, Kayden's younger sister." Kayden shook her hand and replied, "Hi Samantha, I'm Karson." She smiled at him yet again, then turned to me, raised a perfect eyebrow and flashed me her signature smirk, winked and turned to Karson, waved at him while giving him a sly smile and walked back up to her room. What was that all about? She's going crazy too. What is happening to our family?

"Soooo aren't you gonna invite me in?" Karson inquired with a smirk and I gulped.

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