Projects and Hair Ruffling

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I stared utterly and positively mind-blown as Karson approached and sat next to me after making poor John move and find a seat next to his partner. "Hey stranger," voiced the boy sitting next to me, looking me up and down shamelessly. What the fuck was that?!

"Uh hey Karson." I managed to get out with a light pink dusting my cheeks. Why must my blood rush to my face as if running away from its own personal avalanche? I don't know. 

"Okay, so I need you guys to do something creative for me okay? Use Trig. Make some shapes. Paint some. Be artistic. Do what you must. The three pairs with the most creative chart will get extra credits and won't have to face the upcoming pop quiz as the six of you will be graded from this project."

Multiple cheers went up. I was beaming. This is something I could get done easily if Karson decided to cooperate with me. I tuned out Mr. Mathews and turned to Karson. He too had an excited smile adorning his face but when he noticed me looking, he let it run blank. Well apparently guy's got some trust issues. I'll get through that.

I made up my mind to get through to Karson all while nailing this project.


Right as the school bell rang, signalling the end of another tiring school day, I came across Karson. He was slouching against his locker, attractive, stoic and blank-faced. 

I rushed up to him and ruffled his hair. He looked amused and let his lips quirk up just enough, "hey". His amusement reflected in his eyes. I reminded myself not to get lost in them and proceeded to flash him a cheeky grin. " When do we plan on implementing this glorious, grand project of ours. It shall be legendary!" I hollered in my best ancient British accent while spreading my hands.

"I must admit Kay. you'd do great on stage." Karson said. I frowned, pursed my lips and crossed my hands in cute 'stop-making-me-feel-like-a-kid' manner. If he didn't find me amusing before he sure did now as the corners of his lips went up just a bit more.

" I'm free now. You okay with doing it at your place?" Eeeeppppp. Calm. The fuck. Down! "Uh...umm. Yeah...s-sure." Wow Kayden. Just wow. Since when the fucking hell do you stutter! You are Kayden Parker! Walk and talk with your head held high.


Kayden dumped his bag on my bedroom floor and flopped on my bed. Well I guess spending a night at someone's place can make you comfortable. Blood rushed to my face when I thought about that night. Ugh. I went to the washroom to freshen myself up. What I saw when I came out would be the most cutest thing I had ever seen in my entire life.

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