Annoyed Karson Is Cute Karson

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After we got most of the fooling around part done within the cold waters, Karson had already pulled on his boxers and got out of the lake, shuddering due to the chilly wind coming in contact with his wet skin. His nose red and his mouth blowing out puffs of visible exhales.

I stared at him, partially entranced of how effortless he looked, how gracefully he moved. I watched him from the still waters, his muscles loosening and tautening with every step forward, the way his hips swayed lightly as he walked towards the vehicle. His biceps flexing as he ruffles his hair in an attempt to get some of the water out of his damp locks.

"Take a picture will you? It'll last longer." He proposed as he slowly turned around to face me, the usual smugness glinting in his sparkly green eyes. I pouted, and watched as Karson's eyes zeroed in on my lips, knowingly I licked them, looking at Karson eyes slowly but surely darken once again.

"Maybe I will. Maybe I wanna ogle my boyfriend too, letting my eyes devour your body? What's so wrong with that?" I whispered, trotting forth and out of the lake too.

His adam's apple bobbed as I walked closer to him, he had his eyes squeezed shut when I moved close enough to feel his body heat regardless of the cold weather. 

Feeling quite mischievous and bold, I dipped my head towards his collar bones and licked a long stripe up to his jutting jawline.

He whimpered. 

Rather accomplished by the sound, I returned back to my perky self because I managed to trick and rile up my boyfriend for nothing. I pecked him chastely and dashed towards the vehicle getting in and buckling up, grinning and waiting for Karson to come in and give me my clothes not before throwing a fuss about doing what I just did. 

He was still stood there, taking visible, calming breathes before turning around to squint his eyes at me, pressing his lips into a thin line. He whirled back around and stomped over to the rock like an angry child and tugged on his clothing aggressively, not bothering with the buttons on his shirt. 

He bounded back towards the car with an annoyed expression on his face. I had my lips between my teeth; a failed attempt at trying not to burst out laughing at Karson's flushed face as he got into the car, banging the door closed rather loudly.

"D'aaww you big baby! Look at your face! C'mere cutie, m'sorry." I managed between giggles - very manly giggles okay? I reached for his face to give him a kiss when he slapped my hand away and I pouted. I craned my neck over to his seat my legs on my own seat so I can reach him better and he has no choice but to face me. I kissed his nose and decided to tease him further and dipped my head to give his clothed crotch an obnoxiously loud kiss.

 Karson gasped and I looked up to see his eyes blown wide with his mouth open, staring at me in disbelief as I flashed him my teeth in the most smug way I could muster. 

"You asshole! The audacity!!!" He screamed and slapped my shoulder.

I erupted into gouts of billowing laughter at his extremely annoyed expression.

"I hate you." He stated and crossed his hands together, pouting and cuddling back further into the seat. He looked so adorable I had to move his face with my index finger and plant a sweet kiss on his lips, no teasing whatsoever, just one that explained how much he means to me and how much I love him. Leaving him positively breathless with a rapidly beating heart and flushed cheeks.

"Now how the fuck am I supposed to stay mad at you when you deem it necessary to tease me endlessly and then kiss me like this. You are impossible. I can't with you." He explained, completely exasperated.

Once again, I smiled and poked my tongue out at him. He smiled back at me helplessly shaking his head in the process.

Guess he's just as whipped as I am.

I smile at the thought and reached to his hair to play with it as he started the engine and proceeded to drive back with me occasionally leaning over to kiss his exposed skin as he giggled due to his severe case of the tickles.

Ophelia by The Lumineers playing in the background, the wind rushing in through the open windows and Karson's little chuckles to add to it.

 This was perfection.


Walking into my room and it's warmth made us both sigh in comfort. Tired and ready to pass out I jumped onto my bed, sprawled out like a starfish and nuzzling my face into my soft, cozy sheets, humming appreciatively. I hear Karson's tired chuckle at my current state and made a move to kiss my forehead. I let him and he turned to walk away. 

"Where the hell are you going nitwit?" I voiced.

Karson raised his eyebrows and said, "home. Where else?". 

"Nuuuu, come back here and tell your mum you're staying over." I whined and made grabby motions with my hand. "Wanna. Cuddle." I stressed while making puppy eyes at him.

He smiled and nodded. He took his phone out and texted someone, probably his mum and stripped off his shirt and jeans and got under the covers with me following. He held me close as we both closed our worn out eyelids, very exhausted from the day's occurrings. It was a lot and this was a much needed comforting nap. 

Tomorrow is the day. I'm going to speak to him. I need to be fully and a hundred percent Karson's and I can't be that if I don't face him. Get over him for good. Let go of the past. The good and the bad. The happy and the sad. The smirks and the growls. The laughter and the wails. Everything.

In order for me to start with this new chapter in my life, I need to let go. To fucking enjoy life like I should be with the love of my goddamn life that is currently holding me like Tyler never could, never did and never will. 

I kiss Karson's temple before I finally fall into deep slumber, holding onto dear life because he is. He's my life.

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