Letting go

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I looked around realising that I had spent half of my day painting the oh-so-godly figure of Karson Hill. You better listen to me when I tell you to not be in school alone when it gets dark. It's the most horrified I've ever been. Shudders. The Art room was the only place with some type of illumination -which I was grateful for- and the rest of the whole school was pretty much very dark and creepy.

Thank god for phones with flashlights.

I tiptoed along the horribly long corridors that I noticed looked so lonely without the many kids it occupies in daylight and finally reached outside. I noted my car and got in, relishing the sweet rumble of my engine as I revved it up, speeding my way out of the school grounds.

I didn't want to go home just yet.

I took the road leading to the highway and just sped, I sped to my heart's content, the breezy wind coming through my open shutters soothing my tensed nerves. I just wanted to forget and so I did just that. I let go of all my problems, it may have been for just mere minutes but it felt good.

 I let go of Tyler. I let Karson fade into the loud of my car. I let the fact of me being gay sashay away with the wind. I felt free for that good five minutes but all good things come to an end and I felt reality crashing down when my phone started buzzing. Oh fuck. Mom must be so worried!

I came to a halt at a side and answered. She was fretting. I told her I'd get back in fifteen minutes and hung up. With a much needed sigh I turned back home from the nearest U turn.

I did the usual when I got back, said sorry to my parents, ate and lied down on bed.

My eyes were drooping and just about to seal when my phone buzzed.

Unknown number: Hey :)

Me: Umm. Who is this?

Unknown number: The person you fell asleep with last night.

I felt my cheeks heat up. Why Karson!?

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