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( A/N - Sorry guys extremely short chapter today :P )

I didn't get to go far before I was yanked back in. I willed my anxiety to disappear and looked up at him with a glare that would probably diminish all his courage...but that didn't seem to do the trick. "Stop walking out on me all the time! I'm trying to talk to you and you are so not making this easy for me." He whisper hollered.

"Who told you I wanted to make things easy for you?" I replied with a cocky smirk. He raised one perfect, dark eyebrow at my expense. "Oh, so you know I'm trying to talk to you huh?" He said with a devious smile that made me internally melt. I'm surprised I've not gotten to the stage where I was goo on the floor.

"Well you weren't being very subtle with the creepy stares from across the room." I deadpanned with an amused smile on my face. "Playing hard to get I see." He said while stepping closer to me. He took out a sharpie from his pocket while grabbing my forearm. He put it between his teeth, as one of his hands was having a tight grip on mine at the moment, and pulled it from his free hand so the lid came off and dropped to the floor. I let out an audible gulp. He smirked and brought the sharpie to my arm and scribbled what seemed like numbers on it and let the marker drop to the floor.

What the fuck? Is he legitimately giving me his phone number right now?! ...What the fucking hell?

"Here's my number, I wanna get to know you Kayden. You seem to be an interesting character and I like myself a good challenge." He said. "Text me tonight." It wasn't a question. He wasn't asking me. He was telling me, leaving me no choice. He didn't leave me any time to reply before he stalked off...probably to his next class.

What the damn hell just happened?!

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