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After school finished, I got into my car and sped off with Dylan to the local ice-cream shop. Just thinking about that creamy Cotton Candy ice-cream made my taste buds tingle. We walked in to meet Justin the Ice Cream Guy who gave us a warm smile. "The usual?" He inquired. Me and Dylan nodded our heads yes and waited for him to give us our scoops. We paid for it and decided to walk to the park and hang out, by hang out I mean scroll through our social media.

We spent a considerable amount of time at the park and Dylan got a phone call claiming he had to leave. I offered him a ride but he denied and called an Uber.

So here I am, just gazing above at the stars twinkling merrily in the night sky.

I stood up to walk to my car when I felt a hand grasp my shoulder. Oh god. Not him again. I was tired of this and I didn't want to hide it. So I looked at him, exhausted, he stared right back.

"You are acting like a stalker, what do you want Karson?" I asked in a monotone voice. He took a moment before replying with his deep voice. "I'm sorry about what I did... first you are mean to me, then you tell me your name and thank me, after that you just walked away and didn't even let me reply. I'm sorry I cornered you, I don't know what came over me." He rambled. He would have continued if I didn't stop him. Hey, he seems more on the dorky side, guess I misjudged him after all. "It's okay, but the only reason I walked away was because you switched your emotions just like that and I couldn't figure you out, I don't like not figuring people out." I exclaimed.

His eye's darkened again. "Why do you keep doing that?" I was getting tired of his crap and I was frustrated. "Why do you change my mind about you so fast, the moment you seem like a good person you change, you act nice at first and then corner me later without any words? Do you know how weird and terrifying it is?" He still didn't reply. What the goddamn heck is wrong with this boy?! "What is wrong with you? Why can't you just leave me alone. G o find another person to mess with! Don't play games with me Karson! I've dealt with enough shit. I don't deserve more."I kept ranting for a few more minutes and stopped with a weak "why?"

" This is why," is all I heard before I felt lips on mine. My eyes went wide. Why is Karson kissing me?

My brain is officially burnt or it's going insanely haywire. His lips are on mine and I don't think I'm thinking straight because I felt my body relax, melting into his and kissing him back with just as much ferocity.

What am I doing?!

He pulled away, breathing erratic, blowing my hair away from my face. WHAT.THE.HECK.JUST.HAPPENED? I was positively freaking out on the inside but I was calm as I felt his forehead against my own.

"You confuse me Kayden....." he was going to ramble, i just knew it. And so, I punched him....with my lips.

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