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I didn't want to turn my head around as I very well knew who it was. I braced myself and turned my head at a seriously slow pace. I came to see the angelic face of...guess who? Karson. That's who. I cursed myself mentally for flinching and showing signs of weakness. I was staring into my soul and I felt like my whole body was set on fire. His green eyes were scrutinizing my every blink, the slow rush of blood into my cheeks, everything.

"Hey," he said. He looked like he was mentally scolding himself for making a dumb move and didn't know what to say next after 'hey'. "Yeah?" I replied while looking at his hand clasped around my arm, effectively sending tingles up my arm. He retracted his hand at almost lightning speed as if I was burning him. This gave me a little confidence, knowing he was slightly nervous as well. But, he quickly shoved aside all the emotions visible on his face and now all I see is a blank face, no emotions. I didn't have to deal with this, he can't even trust me enough to let me in. I looked at him and stared at his face angrily, "what do you want Karson? Why did you follow me?" He still didn't say anything, instead he stepped forward and I backtracked, this happened two more times but the third time.....the third time, my back came in contact with the wall. I inhaled audibly. He stepped closer to me and I moved my head away from his face because I knew I would give up to temptation. My breathing was erratic and uneven. I noticed his hand coming toward my face.

Almost immediately I pushed him away from me with strength I didn't know I had and watched as he moved a considerable distance away from me. He looked stupefied. Must have thought I wouldn't stand up for myself. Bastard. "Don't touch me!" I spat.

I speed-walked away from him and went towards my next class. Leaving him behind, probably for good.

"Well someone looks pissed. What happened?" Dylan inquired when I met him on the way. "Nothing," I shouted. Wrong move. Now he's going to bother you. "Okay something definitely happened. What is it?" Ugh. " Go away Dylan. I don't want to talk about it right now." He looked sad, but comprehension flashed across his face and as usual he perked up again and proceeded to ask, "Alright fine I won't pry, but did you hear what happened to Becca?" Oh, here we go with the gossiping, Dylan gets to know everything and he reports everything to me like a personal narrator. I don't mind though, some of them can be quite entertaining. "No, what happened?". Dylan went into a detailed description and I listened intently and laughed at what he said.

I started feeling uneasy again. That only happens when someone's watching me. Karson. I snapped my head back and saw him looking at me with anger in his eyes. I reflected that anger in my eyes, only intensified.

" You wanna go grab some ice-cream after school?" Dylan asked. "Why the fuck not?." I replied and walked away from the owner of the pair of eyes that was burning holes into my skin.

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