Anger and Hushed Tones

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Last class I had was art. I was no master at it but I wasn't horrible either. Mrs. Higgins liked me and she never failed to praise my 'talent'. I walked into class to find out the stranger in all black preparing his canvas to paint. My heart seemed to stop functioning since I noticed he was seated on the usually empty seat beside me. God dang it! Does this guy have to worm his way into everything? Fuck my luck.

I went to my seat and sat down as discreetly as possible but I don't think that did the job as his head turned in my general direction right when sat down next to him. Recognition flashed in his green eyes, he looked like he was contemplating something. He just gave a subtle shrug and turned back around to face his canvas and I did the same with mine.

"Okay class, we have a new student in our class today, would you like to introduce yourself darling?" Came the high-pitched voice of Mrs. Higgins, she looked as jovial as usual with her brown hair pulled into a bun with glasses sporting her face, exuding her peppy personality.

New guy raised his head and said," Karson." My eye balls nearly popped out of their sockets when I heard his voice. It was the perfect mix of deep and sweet, it was raspy. He sneaked a glance at me and saw me looking at him....aaaand there was that smirk. Godammit this guy is annoying as hell. I must have looked like I was disgusted because he smiled to himself and turned his attention onto Mrs. Higgins who was explaining what to do.

"You guys will have to pair up with the person next to you......" I stopped listening to her from there. How cliché can my life get? It's like some crazy girl portrayed me on her immature fanfic as a main character. I caught the words 'draw' and 'person beside you'. I turned my head, yet again, to new guy whose name was Karson and found myself entranced by the way he was biting his lip. Fuck Parker! Get it together! You don't want this already, not when so much happened. You can't move on so fast and certainly not with a person like Karson.

Karson smirk-smiled and said, "hey, what's your name?" I glared at him and said, "you have to draw me, not write my name on the canvas so I don't think you really need that piece of information". His shoulder seemed to sag but he recovered fast and full on smirked this time and held his hands up in an 'I surrender' motion. I know I'm being unnecessarily rude but I didn't like this guy's attitude. He was too cocky.

He took his things out and started sketching me. I did the same. I traced every outline, every dip and curve of his impeccably structured face. His tongue was poked out in concentration. He looked like the epitome of child-like determination.Cute. Ugh. I'm doing it again. Keep your mind grasped, don't let it run Parker.

"Uh, do you mind? You are sort of glaring into space and you aren't making it easy for me to sketch you."


My cheeks were burning but I urged myself to calm down, I was born to be composed. Having parents as influential as mine did that to you. I sorted myself out and turned back to my sketch and focused on his eyes, they reflected a lot of things and I wanted all of them to be meticulously arranged into my drawing. I traced and retraced but I couldn't get it right, I was frustrated but I felt a hand on my shoulder right then. It eased me, I lifted my gaze to view Karson. His eyes reflected everything, he was letting his guard down, I realised.

I nodded and he took his hand away, it was like some strange silent agreement we came to. His eyes showed everything I wanted in my drawing and so I put pencil to paper.

The bell rang and everyone got up, me included. I sneaked a peek at Karson and saw his eyes darken and he clutched his drawing before I got to see it. I went closer to him and said in a hushed tone, "thanks for helping me, my name's Kayden," and walked away.

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